Duranta erecta 'Sapphire Showers'
Late Spring 2022
Late Spring 2022

One of two! Been loving watching them grow. The pollinators go nuts for these little shrubs! Bonus is I’ve learned they’re natives! Gardener beware though! All parts are toxic ☠️ including the berries (not pictured because I have been picking blooms before they can set fruit) #goldendewdrop #sapphireshowers #goldendewdrops #goldendewdropssapphireshowers #durantaerecta
Two of two! This was the first one I brought home and HAD to go back for a second when I saw the pollinators immediately flocking on day one. It is leggy. It wasn’t pruned well? I’m learning myself, but slowly I’m cleaning it up and shaping it how I want #durantaerecta #goldendewdrops #goldendewdrop #sapphireshowers #goldendewdropssapphireshowers