Hoya Carnosa 'Krinkle 8'
Wax Plant 'Krinkle 8'
Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Late Winter 2019
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Late Winter 2019
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Early Winter 2019
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Early Winter 2019
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Early Winter 2019
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Mid Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Hoya Carnosa 'Krinkle 8'
Early Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

3/30/19 my family and I literally just got home from a walk and my #hoya has started #blooming since we left for the walk!! IT SMELLS LIKE A TOOTSIE ROLL 🍫 #waxplant #hoyaflowers #waxplantflowers #pink #pinkflowers #smallflowers #smellslikechocolate #fragrant #blooms #fragrantflowers
Early Spring 2019

3/25/19 the #gulffritillarybutterfly on my #Hoya
Early Spring 2019

3/25/19 #hoya #hoyaflowers #hoyaflowerbud #waxplant #waxplant-flowers
Early Spring 2019

3/21/19 #hoya #hoya-flower
Late Winter 2019

3/17/19 😍😍😍 #hoya #hoyaflowers #waxplant #waxplant-flowers #flowers
Late Winter 2019

3/08/19 IS THIS WHAT I THINK IT IS??? #hoya #hoyaflowers ???

Congrats! Hoya flowers are so pretty!

I got this from my husband’s aunt. She said it flowered and smelled like chocolate! This would be my first bloom with it, and I am STOKED!

Too cool!
Early Winter 2019

01/18/19 dare I say slightly healthier looking? 🤞🏼 #Hoya #waxplant
Early Winter 2019

01/09/19 it still needs time in the new pot, but I’m confused. These leaves have been #yellow and #yellowing for a while now. They aren’t loose though. Not even seeming like they want to fall off. I’m not complaining! I just assumed with yellowing they’d fall off. Anyone know why? #hoya #waxplant

Clueless. Sorry.
Early Winter 2019

01/03/19 alright so #Hoya has been holding on despite yellowing. Got a better draining pot (it’s old one apparently had none? How did my aunt get it to survive so long?), some fresh soil, a little fertilizer, and a nice deep water. Let’s see if some magic happens #waxplant #recovery lol
Mid Autumn 2018

11/15/18 moved my #hoya to what I thought was a great, part sun/ part shade spot. I think it disagrees with me. It was getting sunburns all over the place where I had it... maybe I should put it back 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ #waxplant #notdoingwell
Early Autumn 2018

10/10/18 #hoya #waxplant #newgrowth and a #lizard #wildlifewednesday lol
Late Summer 2018

9/4/18 #hoya #newgrowth

Yours looks so great! How much light does it get? I can’t figure out the perfect amount for mine and it’s looking pretty blah. 😭

@ohhyouknow thank you! I actually only got this a few months ago from an aunt who had it in shade by a screened in pool. I have limited space/ lighting though... this is an outside windowsill facing west. Lots of afternoon (Florida) sunlight and heat. You can see it has a few sunburns from the acclimation, but otherwise it has LOVED this spot. I’m moving soon and hope I don’t upset it 😋

Ohh I didn’t even notice the burns at first! Mine is burned pretty badly up top. It got burned when I first got it, and then some water pooled on the leaves and got burned again. Some of it is a bit etiolated but the new stuff is looking good. Good luck with the move! Hope all your plant babies stay happy!

Thank you! I might try digging a few plants up... most are in pots but a few needed more room. Very nervous, but we will see! It’s a better place anyway. Landlords only rule... DONT uproot their fruit trees.. um ok!! 😍 so far I know there’s mangoes and guavas. I think two others as well
Late Summer 2018

8/21/18 look at this #newgrowth #hoya
Mid Summer 2018

7/24/18 #hoya #newgrowth #upclose #waxplant
Mid Summer 2018

7/24/18 Hoya update I cant fit the bottom couple leaves in the photo! A little sunburned, but adjusting well I think. #hoya #waxplant

It has such character with those dents in the leaves. ❤

Yes! Our aunt who gifted it to me had it flowering very well too. Looking forward to that too! It’s a beautiful plant
Early Summer 2018

😕 Will this be okay? It’s quite a long tendril hanging down. Is there a “plant tape” or something? Hm... #hoya #hoya-advice #advice #houseplant #houseplant-advice
Early Summer 2018

#closeup on some #foliage in case this isn’t #Hoya . Again, I feel fairly certain it’s a type of Hoya, but can’t hurt to check. I love these leaves by the way. They’re a little #fuzzy on the back! #hoya-advice #plantid-hoya
Early Summer 2018

Along with the jade cuttings, Aunt gifted me this! She wasn’t sure what it was, but had old flowers she’d picked off. They LOOKED like #hoya flowers, and she said they smelled like chocolate! Leads me to believe I’m right! Feel free to #help-id if I’m not right! I have VERY LITTLE shady areas, and almost NO space inside for plants. Not sure where to keep it... wondering if I should let it climb or let it hang? So much to learn! #plantid-hoya #hoya-advice #please #newplant
3/31/19 fully open 😍🤤 #hoya #hoyaflowers #waxplant #waxplantflowers #flowers #smallflowers #pink #pinkflowers #fragrant #fragrantflowers #smellslikechocolate