Early Summer 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2018
- 4

Pelargonium 'Citrosum' syn. Pelagonium citrosum, Pelargonium graveolens 'Citrosum'
Early Summer 2018
Late Spring 2018

Someone wanna tell me why my #mosquitoplant is ATTRACTING mosquitos? 😒 My marigolds too... I thought they were #mosquitorepellant lol oh well #citronella #geranium-citronella

Looks good!

Lol I was thinking about getting some omg lol I live in the swamp I do NOT need more mosquitoes. Thanks

@ohhyouknow right?!? I’m in FL, all we have is heat and humidity so I feel you. When I posted this I said marigolds were also attracting them, but they seem to be repelling. But yeah... this citronella, a plant that is supposed to make them sparse, is making them plenty... quite irritated honestly lol
I love the way #citronella smells. Although it doesn’t keep pests away at all even when crushed (in my experience), I think it’s lovely. I want to get one of those huge pots and let it just take over. #fragrant #fragrantfoliage
@cyndi 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼👏🏼