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Profile Image David Greig-Vile


A developing love of gardening, that became a passion, and resulted in a small family business. Located on the East of Scotland, outside Kirriemuir.

Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca 'Citrina' syn. Coronilla glauca 'Citrina', Coronilla valentina 'Citrina'

  • Season Icon Early SummerEarly Summer 2017
  • Like Count 14

Coronilla glauca 'Citrina'. Photographed yesterday, 3 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. New additions to the garden. Apparently, Coronilla ‘Citrina’ has unusual blue-green foliage. In Winter, it flowers with an abundance of sweet-scented, lemon-yellow, pea-like blooms that just keep flowering. Bought to go in planters, on either side of new French doors off kitchen. #coronilla #citrina #bluegreenfoliage #lemonyellowflowers #sweetscented #winterflowering #reediecottagegarden
