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Profile Image David Greig-Vile


A developing love of gardening, that became a passion, and resulted in a small family business. Located on the East of Scotland, outside Kirriemuir.

Penstemon 'Apple Blossom'

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2016
  • Like Count 15

Penstemon 'Apple Blossom'. Photographed today, 19 Oct 2016, at Reedie Cottage Garden, East Scotland. Got a pleasant surprise wandering around taking photos, when I came across this Penstemon, with the last few flowers on it. I love Penstemons, and they flower right they the first frost. This one was hiding amongst some other plants, so pleased to see it. Love the colours 😀 #penstemon #pinkandwhite #autumn #brightcolours
