Pieris 'Forest Flame' syn. Pieris floribunda 'Forest Flame'
Pieris 'Forest Flame'
Early Summer 2017
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Late Spring 2016
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Pieris 'Forest Flame' syn. Pieris floribunda 'Forest Flame'
Early Summer 2017
Late Spring 2016

Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame', in a blaze of colour! I planted this almost 14 years ago. It is now just over 6ft tall. This shrub was originally in my dad's garden, and was part of a Pieris planted by him, 42 years ago!!!

#memory #Pieris
Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame'. Photographed yesterday, 3 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. Planted this 12yrs ago, when I created the pond area. It is now approx 9ft tall. Puts on a spectacular show of bright red new growth, which turn pink and cream, and finally green. Really showy. Looks great when covered in panicles of creamy coloured, bell-shaped flowers in Spring. #pieris #forestflame #brightredfoliage #creamyflowers #thesecretgarden #reediecottagegarden