Delosperma 'Table Mountain'
Hardy Ice Plant 'Table Mountain'
Late Winter 2019
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Late Winter 2019
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Delosperma 'Table Mountain'
Late Winter 2019
Late Winter 2019

I’m also in zone 10ish🤗 San Antonio. Where do u live??😊💕

@terrimclaughlin I’m in inland Southern California. (These are on a bluff in Santa Barbara.)
I have these but in purple. They a pretty plant! Have you tried to propagate these?? I’ve tried in water or just straight back to dirt. I’ve only been successful once.🤗🤗👍🏻😊💕
@terrimclaughlin No. I’m going to put some in my front yard. I’ll probably try from what I get from the garden center to hopefully save a little money. Ice plant kinda grows well here. It just depends on how harsh the summer is. Last year it was 120F here. I might have to water more.