Ficus elastica
Mid Summer 2017
Late Spring 2017

Ok now I know what I have. They get a little big... I'll post a pic of mine now that I know what it is lol.

They get a lot big! @farmgirl0827

Love this, do you know how well id does from cuttings @rennezoe

I don't but it grows like crazy so it'd be worth a shot @pretty_paws_29
@pretty_paws_29 after you asked I remembered sticking a leaf in water a week or so ago... Looks like it'll work just fine!
That's awesome @rennezoe I can't wait!
@gjones I didn't either! Someone asked for a starter and I wasn't sure how to go about it so I figured it was worth a try. It was really fast!
@gjones @pretty_paws_29 I just learned that unless there's a piece of the main stem attached, you won't get a plant. Only a rooted leaf! Ha! Good to know 😉
Yes. I thought I was seeing new growth but apparently whatever I was seeing had been "set" before I put it in water.