Have I looked for mites. Little gray buggars. Also,have u watered it throughly where water runs out bottom and u make sure it's getting indirect light. Have u overwater it? Is soil really wetnog just moist which that what it likes til it can live also with soil lightly dry.
@Acetaker, thanks for the advice... i removed from the shared pot and have it it's own smaller pot with better drainage and well draining soil. My other hoyas are so happy! Figured it made sense to treat this the same. Still alive but no evidence of new growth. Hopefully this helps.
I love this hoya...I can't find one anywhere 😏
#hoya #sweethearthoya #hoyacarnosa #vine #waxplant #fragrant #waxblooms
@Acetaker mine isn't doing well, down to one leaf! Sad. I haven't been able to find another either. Just moved it outside, maybe that will help
Have I looked for mites. Little gray buggars. Also,have u watered it throughly where water runs out bottom and u make sure it's getting indirect light. Have u overwater it? Is soil really wetnog just moist which that what it likes til it can live also with soil lightly dry.
@Acetaker, thanks for the advice... i removed from the shared pot and have it it's own smaller pot with better drainage and well draining soil. My other hoyas are so happy! Figured it made sense to treat this the same. Still alive but no evidence of new growth. Hopefully this helps.