Peperomia argyreia
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

What a beauty!!! A good decor for any home.

Peperomia are a favorite for sure! I discovered has a gallery of all the varieties. Wish i had one of each😁 @terrimclaughlin

@rennezoe. Thxs for the tip on the website for plants and flowers. Really appreciate it!! Don't u just love GT. Everyone shares and helps to bad our world couldn't be that way but at least our. GTer's are the best. You have a great day my friend. 😊💕

I agree! I wish i would've been paying attention and asking questions all the years my grandma was alive and working in the garden. This is the next best thing, for sure. I love GT😊 @terrimclaughlin

@rennezoe. Isn't that the truth!!!

@rennezoe. Good news though, there's a lot of grandmas on GT lol. Can't replace yours but will be glad to help 😊💕

I appreciate it. I must've picked up a few things. I got the "bug" for sure! @terrimclaughlin
Morning sun. Love!
Cool photo! Loving the light.
@rennezoe I have fallen in love. I've never seen this before, but I love everything about this one!
@pretty_paws_29 if I was forced to choose a favorite plant peperomia would have to be the one. So many to choose from! They are tough and easy to grow like succulents but not as sensitive to the occasional overwatering. I had 2 leaves rooting well in water so I just added 2 more. I'll let you know when when they're ready!
@rennezoe You are awesome, offically my favorite person! It's a beautiful plant, I've never tried any of that kind, so this will be a first for me! I got a new plant today (like I really needed it lol). The Hawaiian Ti 'Red Sister'. It's sooo pretty. But I really don't know anything about it except that the tag said full sun lol, so I'm trying to dig up all I can on it tonight.