This once flowering French Damask (1832) has arguably the most beautiful blooms of any rose. Add shapely upright growth, fresh apple green foliage, delicious scent (with a hint of citrus) and you'll understand why this beguiling temptress has followed me everywhere. Je suis amoureux! :)
Madame Hardy - perfectamundo :)
❤️ this rose
What a madam, 😊💕
Gorgeous 💖
Absolutely beautiful @RicardoListeretti
It's said that her jealous green eye will wreak havoc, should your affections ever waver :) @junebensted @bookworm68 @clickchick @titchyfra
Spectacular 💕💕
@RicardoListeretti looks like a strong healthy rose. What's the 'bouquet' like? I love seeing your rose collection! Thank you learning lots!
Thank you @emmalaws - fragrance is particularly good on this one. A rich opulent damask scent with a hint of citrus. Nice! :) x
@RicardoListeretti lush! Will have to look Madame up and find a stockist! #inspired #rose
You must @emmalaws, you must! 'Trevor White Old Roses' website is superb :)