Early Spring 2018
- 4
Mid Spring 2017
- 4
Late Spring 2016
- 8
Mid Spring 2016
- 6
Mid Spring 2016
- 14
Mid Winter 2016
- 12
Early Winter 2015
- 1

Allium jesdianum 'Akbulak' syn. Allium 'Akbulak', Allium rosenbachianum 'Akbulak'
Early Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2017

More alliums popping open - not long now 😬 #allium #alliumarrival #allium-jesdianum #alliumjesdianumakbulak



Fabulous photo 👍
Late Spring 2016

When you stand back and look at #allium 'Akbulak' you can see how lovely the white creates a halo effect around the whole flower 😊 #allium-jesdianum #alliumjesdianumakbulak


Very nice Rich 🙌

Oh now i know which variety my others are, always wondered which they were cheers yrs looking loveky jubbly 👍👌

👌👌 need to get som alliums methinks lol

Fantastic 😍

Love alliums. Love this shot of them 💜 👌

I love alliums I have lots off purple ones and one white one this year love your garden 🐾
Mid Spring 2016

Alliums... #bud #allium #allium-jesdianum #alliumjesdianumakbulak


#allium #purple

Nice photo Rich!

Cheers Mike 🙌🏼 @mikethegardener

😊 @sara2309
Mid Spring 2016

More Allium buds coming up 😳 #newgrowth

Mine too exciting times

Hmm i was weeding today and found something similar, recognise the bud, cant remember planting any though 😂

I have some alliums growing, looking forward to seeing them flowering 😁

Please post pic when in flower. Can you attach pics on here? Haven't found a way yet?

Put some alliums in last year hoping their come up again this year got no buds as yet.

IlsonRootsProject if you just want to see what the alliums look like when they're grown, you can go to the dictionary (open bookpic) type in alliums and it'll show you a pic, if you leave leeks and onions they grow the same sort of spikes heads on a long stem, I believe they're all part of the onion family x

👏🏼😁 @Keely

@krishnahairdo ooops 😂 it will be a surprise!

Excellent @wendy50 - they will look amazing, one of my favourite flower heads so I will be throwing lots of pics out of these 😁

@richard.spicer.7906 if i post a pic will you have a look please see what you think?

Definitely @IlsonRootsProject 😀👍🏼 - as far as I know currently, there is no way to add a photo within an existing discussion thread but I will post a new pic! You will see the progress as you can swipe left through the progress pics.
Mid Winter 2016

Another Allium peaking through - love the red tips on the end of the leaves!


Love the red tips, I've just read your info about this Rich, it's going to be tall 👍😊

It is Mo, certainly as big as some of the giant varieties, although much smaller heads (like tennis ball size) - really looking forward to seeing it face to face - it's supposed to have a really nice rich purple-pink colour 😍


Great info Rich ❗️ any chance for great tips bit @teamgardentags could add a bookmark or like thingy on them, so you can find them again ? it would be really handy 😀

👍 great idea @Naomi126 I tend to take snap shots of the info I want to be reminded of but then lose it in all my photos 😔

I bow too your brainyness @mojo , mine will get eaten too but brilliant thanks 👌🏻

It would be much better to have it all in one place on GT though 😊 @Naomi126

I planted allium purple sensation last year I had a brilliant summer display but only a few shots showing through so far this year what could have happened ?

Hi @Jagdeep , apologies as only just seen you msg - how did they turn out in the end?

@suzyw - here you go, one of mine last year for comparison 👍🏼
Early Winter 2015

Another Allium this time - Akbulak is a tall variety with medium sized spheres about 90cm tall, which are a rich lilac-purple colour 🤓. Planted 14th November #bulbs
This is one of my favourite alliums. It has a lovely white glow around each purple bloom, caused by the effect of the white anthers on each flower. They are multiple well as they are popping up all over this border #allium #allium-jesdianum #alliumjesdianumakbulak #newgrowth
The leaves on this is as neat as some of my cool succulents any day! I love those coloured pointy. Tips. Looking forward to see the blooms!
Brilliant 👌
Love the look of that one Rich! One to add for next year 😬