Early Summer 2018
- 10
Late Autumn 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 37
Mid Spring 2016
- 15
Early Spring 2016
- 16
Mid Winter 2016
- 6
Late Autumn 2015
- 7
Mid Autumn 2015
- 6
Early Summer 2015
- 3
Late Spring 2015
- 7
Late Spring 2015
- 2
Late Spring 2015
- 2
Late Spring 2015
- 2
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 2
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2014
- 0

Early Summer 2018
Late Autumn 2016

Love how #Aquilegia #seed heads form - hopefully some nice hybrids will come from these 👍🏼
Late Spring 2016

Best of the bunch from the garden this year of self seeded #aquilegia - I seem to have few infested by aphids this year, and putting it down to the mild winter we had.


And very pretty to, i purchase a yellow one the other not in flower though

Really pretty Rich 👍

I thought about introducing some fresh colours Kris, wonder what hybrids I would get when they cross pollinate 😀 @krishnahairdo

Cheers buddy 👍🏼 @justin

Rich... Do I just leave the flowers on to get the to self seed? Cut down in Autumn? Thank you 😬

Lovely selection 👍😍

Just gorgeous Rich.

@richard.spicer.7906 beautiful ones i shoul think. Becoming a proper addiction i think i need to dig up all my lawn! 😂

They are so beautiful , so many variations , mine have just started to open 💗💜💛

Yep, leave till the seed pods form and turn brown, then when they start to split open cut off and then simply turn upside and scatter the contents over a bare patch. The seeds produce the colour variations, and always good to start off with at least two different varieties to encourage cross pollination. If you just want more of the same colour then instead divide the plant as its the only way to guarantee they come true to the same colour. 👍🏼 @justin
Mid Spring 2016

The first of hopefully many self seeded flowering aquilegias, one of my favourite plants in the garden ❤️


Mine too Richard

Lovely plants


Oops was going to say one of my favourites too 😆


Just love them

Gorgeous aren't they. I love mine 😊

@richard.spicer.7906 my favourite also 😍

I have just bought some seeds Hopefully they will like this climate. 😎

I love the self seeded surprise ones. Never look the same as any other either in my garden.
Early Spring 2016

All my Aquilegia divisions from Autumn are coming along nicely. Time for them to go out soon I think. If only I remembered to label what colours they were 😒


They look great. Very healthy. And it sounds like you'll have a nice surprise when they flower. Just hope you haven't got colour-coordinated planting plans. 😉

Awesome 😊

@Richard.spicer.7906 You are so organised. Aquilegias are very promiscuous and I just leave them to seed all over the place. When they flower and not to my liking I just yank them out. There does seem to be an awful lot of purple. I grew a really nice pale green one Green Apples & very dark 1 Black Barlow from seed last year. They were both freebies with garden mags.

I used to tie a piece of string on the ones I needed to get rid of while they were flowering, keeping the more interesting colours

Indeed I will @vespa , I think from memory I took only divisions from the ones I liked but I have some many crosses now it's difficult to tell 😂 - I don't mind rogue colours in the beds.

@angipangi I have left them too in the past, and occasionally I have an Autumn clear out. These were taken from some of the better colours. You green apples one sounds lovely, I'll have to check it out. I'm always on the look out for more of the natural looking varieties - not massive fan of the doubles, or the bold two tone colours, with a couple of exceptions.

Me too @joanboston , it's quite a good method 👍🏼

Thanks Pearl 😊🙌🏼 @fuschia

#advice #seed #selfseed #crosspollinate

Mid Winter 2016

The Aquilegias are stirring. Amazing to see the leaves open up.

Love to see the leaves unfurling nature is incredible


Fascinating 🤓

Here you go @jennlamaye - young columbine plants typically look like as they emerge from the ground. I think I have some other pics too for you to tag you in 👍🏼

Wow! Interesting!
Late Autumn 2015

Morning everyone 😀. Even though the flowers have long since faded, there is certainly still lots of things that give me interest in my garden at this time of year. The stems of these Aquilegia are surprisingly resilient with all this windy weather. #seeds #aquilegia


Morning Richard. I have several of these seed heads that I just leave to pop. Over the years they've got more wild looking not your big flowering ones. I don't mind as it's as nature intended 👌

I've seen the big hybrids, but not sure if I like them 😕. I've quite a few different colours through cross pollination, so it's always fun to see what pops up every year! @fuschia

I agree. Some of them are gawdy. I like surprises too 👍👍👌👌

Loving the photography! @richard.spicer.7906

Thank you June 😊 @junebensted
Mid Autumn 2015

Lots of division going on in my garden at the moment. Had some very large clumps of Columbine (Aquilegia), and now got 10 new plants 😁 - inspired by @ConorGallinagh vlog 👍🏼


👏👏👏 someone's been a very busy boy!

What a superb way to get more plants to fill gaps in the borders 👍👍👍

Certainly have been @justin - did the same with a few others too - my geraniums, perennial cornflowers, campion and daylillies 😁 - problem is now I've run out of space to put all these pots 😕

Early Summer 2015

Seedheads starting to ripen.

Will you harvest them?

No need @kathy - I have so many that seed around naturally. However, the one thing I have noticed is that there clearly is some cross pollination between them all - I think I may have come across some lovely self-created hybrids!
Late Spring 2015

I need help identifying this plant

I'm sure it's Aquileia Vulgaris


#aquilegia #columbine

Very pretty and dainty

This is my favourite one I've found growing 😊

Late Spring 2015

#aquilegia #columbine

They are so intricate
Late Spring 2015


Late Spring 2015


I think this is a beaut #bestof2015
Late Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015

Really like the colour

Mid Spring 2015
Late Winter 2015
Late Winter 2015
Mid Spring 2014
Morning 👋🏼☕️ - #aquilegia still blooming. Elaine, these were the seeds you kindly sent me ages ago, first year flowering - most are a yellow/white colouring but this one had a hint of red. Thank you 🙏🏼😊 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom #columbine #aquilegia-vulgaris
Very pretty🤗
This one is a really lovely colour, like sunshine ☀️😊🙏🏼👍🏼
Wow Richard it’s taken some time but lm delighted they’ve flowered for you albeit the slight change of colour..👌🏼👌🏼
Beautifully Delightful
Amazing blooms :) very cheery.
Hope do you keep it looking so good? And in a sunny location. 😍 Mine only gets a couple of hours of afternoon sun and it still has brown tips to the leaves and leaf miners 😬 The other one in full shade seems to be doing well but I'd love to have one in part shade as it's by my back door.
I grew this one from seed last year... only had two that flowered so hopefully more next year! They're so beautiful💛❤💚
Gorgeous 💛
I love these Richard! They are gorgeous😍 @richard.spicer.7906