Aristaloe Aristata (formerly Aloe Aristata)
Early Winter 2020
Late Spring 2019

28/05/19 - cataloguing propagation updates - division of offsets. She may look quite stressed, but so would anyone if you’d just had eight babies 😲 - mum and pups are actually fine, I know they look a little brown and dead but they are alive! Trust me, there is green in there and the babies are getting stronger each day #aristaloe #aristaloe-aristata #aristaloearistata #lacealoe

Thanks Julie again for her, she’s doing well despite what she looks like 🤭🙈 @vec I’d been careful with the watering whilst waiting for new roots to form. This was taken a few days ago but already looking greener today for all of them.

She'll recover absolutely fine, won't take her long. I've got lots of babies here to deliver 😂

I'd like to try this one👍👍👍

Still doing well Julie, getting greener by the day 👍🏼 @vec

I’d be happy to donate one to you Belinda if you want to try one 😊. They are starting to grow a bit now so hopefully in about a months time they should have some good roots on them. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll give you my email address 👍🏼 - from what Julie tells me they will be producing their own offsets quite readily when they are bigger. @belindah

Ooh yes please thank you so much Richard...I’d love to give one a go!!!👍👍👍

@Belindah Of course, I would be happy to and it seems only fitting given the mother plant was donated to me also 😊. If you send me your details to the following address:

@Belindah - then I can post one to you. If it’s Ok, I’ll leave it till about mid July just to make sure it’s rooted up well, plus I’ll have a bit more time by then after my course finishes for summer break. Let me know when you’ve taken a note of my email and then I’ll delete that middle bit above 👍🏼

I’ve just taken a screenshot Richard so you can delete it! Thankyou so so much....I’m looking forward to receiving it in July👍👍👍👍👍...I’ll email you 👍👍👍👍

I look forward to making babies!!!😁😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

And perhaps I can then pass one on to another GT member!
My Lace Aloe looks so much healthier than my last pic. Clearly tough as old boots! And having already separated a ton of pups she’s already producing more. Might have to donate some of these babies I think 👍🏼
Thanks Elise 😊 I have plenty babies spare would you like one? I can send you one if you’re interested. I keep mine currently in the polytunnel but a few people have them on their windowsills indoors. This one is about 12-13cm across but the babies are only about 3-4 cm approx. @auricula
Beautiful form 🤩
No probs Elise - I’ve got some stuff to send to Sarah as well so I can sort both parcels out at the post office at the same time, but if it’s ok I’ll do it after my exams in Feb. I’ll drop you a tag nearer the time with my email address so you can send me your address. Sarah, would you like one of these too? Can’t remember if you’ve already got one. I’ve got some spare 👍🏼. @auricula @sieveheadsarah
I’d love one Richard, thank you very much 👍🏼😀
Would you like one too Lin? 😂 @linfoster
No probs 😊 - I’ll sort it all out after exams, I’ll be in touch 👍🏼 @linfoster
No room before you say but he’s a bute Rich 👌📸👌