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Profile Image Rich Spicer


St Albans based, career changer and studying Horticulture. Bulb addict, South African plant fan and converted succulent lover

Begonia carolineifolia

  • Season Icon Mid WinterMid Winter 2020
  • Like Count 44

Going to try cataloguing all my missing houseplant cuttings over the next week. Will just do a couple a day so I don’t bore you all. Already given one of these away now to a friend since this photo was taken at end of Jan so just two remaining now, Begonia carolineifolia #begonia #begoniacarolineifolia #begonia-carolineifolia #houseplants


The cuttings were quite easy - leaf cuttings, but rather than take one entire palmate 🖐🏼 leaf and stick it in soil, you can actually use the individual leaflets ☝🏼. Give the pot some bottom heat and keep it moist and humid and hey presto! These are about 8 months old now
