Begonia masoniana
Iron Cross Begonia
Early Autumn 2018
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Early Summer 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 7

Begonia masoniana
Early Autumn 2018
Early Summer 2018

My Begonia masoniana leaf cuttings are coming on nicely, starting to develop the characteristic 'Iron Cross' shaped emblem on the newest leaves. Almost 9 months it's taken to get this far though #begonia #begonia-masoniana #ironcrossbegonia #leafcuttings #houseplant-propagation #houseplant

Beautiful foliage

I propped dibs rothko & escargot from leaf cuttings in march, took about a month to root and now 3 months later have lots of wonderful TINY plants 🤗 @richard.spicer.7906

It should look spectacular when bigger @kathy , can’t wait now that it’s growth is picking up.

Yay! Well done @tinaaune , how exciting 😀 - I’m absolutely fascinated by plant propagation and the variety of techniques.
Early Spring 2018

.... and this morning I spotted the first new shoot 😀👏🏼👏🏼 #begonia #begonia-masoniana #ironcrossbegonia #leafcuttings #houseplant-propagation #houseplant

Early Spring 2018

One of my other begonia leaf cuttings - different technique, a single leaf cut into triangle sections, each with one main vein. Begonia masoniana (The Iron Cross Begonia) - crammed three sections into this tray, also in October 2017.... #begonia #ironcrossbegonia #leafcuttings #begonia-masoniana #houseplant-propagation #houseplant

Must try this Richard 👍🌱

I have had success rooting #Begonias via leaf cuttings. I normally slit the veins, and pin the leaf down on the soil surface making sure the leaf stalk is submerge in the soil.

This is how I tried my first begonia cutting. I must try my new one soon 😊

I remember when you did the cutting. They came out great. I did it with just a cutting from the begonia and just put it in dirt. That worked but I’m going to try your way. Does that type of propagating technique work with other plants??🤗🤗🤗🥂😊💕

I tried that too @Jason on a different leaf. I've experimented with both techniques now and they work very well on begonias 😀👍🏼

It certainly does @terrimclaughlin - I've successfully tried it also with African Violets, and Streptocarpus. This summer, I'm hoping to try leaf cuttings on Eucomis (Pineapple Lillies) too 😊
Propagation update 28/09/2018 - 3 successful leaf cuttings of Begonia masoniana (species). Almost a year old now. You can see why they call it the iron cross begonia 👍🏼. As the leaves are quite bumpy with fine hairs, this begonia is better propagated with the leaf on its side buried half in the potting mix, rather than laid flat, to prevent the leaf from rotting.
#begonia #begonia-masoniana #ironcrossbegonia #leafcuttings #houseplant-propagation #houseplant #foliagefriday
Here’s an old pic, there’s actually three plants here all from leaf cuttings. I gave one away and kept the other two. Sadly, they suffered terribly last winter from powdery mildew and fungus gnat larvae eating the roots but it’s recovered and slowly growing back. Will take an updated pic at wkd 👍🏼 @docthrill
Thank you sir, now I know, excellent 🙏