Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) 'Rocheart' syn. Begonia rex 'Rocheart'
Rex Begonia 'Rocheart'
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 13
Early Winter 2017
- 13

Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) 'Rocheart' syn. Begonia rex 'Rocheart'
Early Autumn 2018
Early Spring 2018

Lots of new plantlets on my single leaf cutting of this Begonia - should be ready to pot up soon individually. Originally taken in October, just a single leaf and made a few cuts across the veins and then pegged it down into moist compost #begonia #rexbegonia #leafcuttings #begoniarex #begoniarocheart #houseplant-propagation #houseplant

That's nice one 😍

Beautiful Richard.

@angiecrazycatlady - I meant to tag you in this following your question yesterday - anytime of year should be fine. This is one of the leaves I mentioned, just laid out flat with slit cuts along the back and then peg it down with paper clips and cover until you see little plantlets form 👍🏼

Great to see what it should look like 😊

Well done! I’ve done this method too when my children were young and they loved it #childrengardening #schoolproject

Thanks I'll do that, do I need to must it regularly as well 😊

If you cover it whilst it’s in the tray (I use a clear shower cap that I got from a hotel, the elastic is great 👍🏼) then probably shouldn’t need it. I never watered after the initial water as the moisture is retained. I think I’ve only watered this tray about three times since October. @angiecrazycatlady

But do keep an eye on it - if it starts to look quite dry then a mist probably want harm it 🤞🏼

Did you peg them down flat to the top of the soil or down in the soil?? Thxs for sharing this with us. Or do you just let that vein b in the soil???👍🏻😊💕

Hi @terrimclaughlin - for this particular method, I just laid the leaf flat on the soil surface and pegged it down, no need for it to go into or buried into the soil really as the roots from the little plantlets that develop around the cut veins eventually make their way into the soil. 😀👍🏼

@docthrill - few weeks later. It wasn’t as quick as it could have been as I did it in deep winter, but this was six months progress. There were at least 20 new plantlets from just one leaf
Early Winter 2017

There are so many little plantlets forming from just one leaf 😳 - this was one technique, simply take a whole Begonia leaf, make a few slits with a knife across some of the leaf veins, then just peg the whole thing intact to the compost using the wire from a paperclip, and keep warm and covered with a plastic bag to prevent the soil drying out. These have appeared after about 8 weeks 🤓 #begonia #rexbegonia #leafcuttings #begoniarex #begoniarocheart #houseplant-propagation #houseplant

Great success!

Nice one! 👍 I tried this a few years ago with limited success.

Oh I'm so trying this!!

You should definitely give it another go Jeff - now that I've tried it once, I'll definitely be giving it a second go 👍🏼 @jeatacake

Need to get a leaf first Rich, as the plant I had died a few year ago 😟

Oh 🙈 yeah that kinda helps! I’ll see if I can send you a little plantlet when these get a bit bigger with some roots. This is the only leaf I have at the mo as they gave it to us at college. I’ll let you know when it’s ready 👍🏼 @jeatacake

Cheers Rich 👍 Handy place that college 😉👌

I got so many freebies last year - it’s almost paid itself back in the plants I’ve got from it 😂 @jeatacake

Nice one 👍 Does it include your grafted wisterias too?

Yeah, all through college. Got a few perennials too! @jeatacake

Propagation update 28/09/2018 - also 3 successful leaf cuttings of Begonia ‘Rocheart’. A year old too. The leaves are getting bigger and bigger each week and it’s true colours are coming out now.
#begonia #rexbegonia #leafcuttings #begoniarex #begoniarocheart #houseplant-propagation #houseplant #foliagefriday
The foliage is amazing
@docthrill - potted on. I actually struggled with this bit and lost a few shortly after potting on but I think my potting mix was wrong and maybe the pots too big. Still got three new plants though 👍🏼
Yeah they have small delicate root system and proper soil is important , low ph too