Bergenia 'Silberlicht' syn. Bergenia 'Silverlight'
Elephant's Ears 'Silberlicht'
Early Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2016
- 13
Mid Spring 2016
- 9
Early Winter 2015
- 5
Mid Spring 2015
- 3
Early Spring 2015
- 3

Bergenia 'Silberlicht' syn. Bergenia 'Silverlight'
Early Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2016

Evening folks - I have a few new pics to share tonight, some from my own garden and some from RHS Hyde Hall (which I'll tag accordingly) following my trip at the weekend. Hope you enjoy 😊 #bergenia #elephantsears #bergeniasilberlicht

This is so pretty 😍

This one is from my own - it's a good job you can't see the foliage as it looks terrible, although you can always scroll through the progress pics to see it 😂. My patch of Bergenia are in desperate need of a tidy.

Very pretty! Wonderful photo too!

Pretty good pic 👌🏼

Stunning photo :)

@richard.spicer.7906 they always seem to do that. Leaves looking all tatty but at least the flowers distract. This one in particular is a corker


Love those plants, reminds me of my childhood garden 🐘🐘

Great pics Rich👍🏻👍🏻

#bergenia #memories

Oh nature cant get any more beautiful than this.Breathtaking.Thanks for sharing@Richard
Mid Spring 2016

Not everything in the garden is looking good - I seriously need to deal with my Bergenia plants over the next couple of weeks. They are finally flowering, but the foliage looks terrible #bergenia #elephantsears #bergeniasilberlicht

Oh😵 What's had a munch on those? How rude!

My violas are being enjoyed too!


Oh dear 😕


Looks like you have visitors in that bed@Richard.spicer.7906

Mine are the same only its the flowers that get eaten 😡

The perils of gardening 😳
Early Winter 2015

🐘 My Elephants Ears are flapping around in the mild wind this weekend. No buds yet though 🐘 #bergenia #elephantsears #bergeniasilberlicht

Mine are in bloom 🤔

So are mine

Yes they are here too

Hmm, wonder why mine aren't' then? Everything else is 😆
Mid Spring 2015

I used to have these in the last garden but always looked right tatty as got eaten loads!

#snails love them in Oz.

#bergenia #elephantsears #bergeniasilberlicht
Early Spring 2015

#bergenia #elephantsears #bergeniasilberlicht


Nice big stocky flower buds this year on the Bergenias - love the red stems on this one. #bergenia #elephantsears #bergeniasilberlicht
Lovely photo 😍
I love the flowers on these...and this is a really pretty one...just can’t seem to like the foliage though! 🙈