Very happy that this Buddleja hardwood cutting took last year. It was the only one from five. A different form of Buddleja than the traditional Buddleja davidii, and the one at college is grown as a small tree so may try to replicate. The flowers are much longer too #buddleja #buddleja-alternifolia #buddlejaalternifolia #alternativeleavedbutterflybush
Very happy that this Buddleja hardwood cutting took last year. It was the only one from five. A different form of Buddleja than the traditional Buddleja davidii, and the one at college is grown as a small tree so may try to replicate. The flowers are much longer too #buddleja #buddleja-alternifolia #buddlejaalternifolia #alternativeleavedbutterflybush
Such a pretty budd. I’ve seen it grown as a standard - awesome! Tried it myself once...killed it! 😂 xx