Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Jewel'
Camellia 'Nuccio's Jewel'
Early Spring 2021
- 13
Late Summer 2018
- 14
Early Spring 2016
- 13

Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Jewel'
Early Spring 2021
Late Summer 2018

@ublaszko - finally posting this, although annoyingly I can’t find the photo from March/April where the leaves were worse. The camellia in the front is Nuccio’s Jewel, and it was badly lacking iron and the leaves had gone very yellow last winter. No flowers this year. I bought some sequestered iron tonic (in the little window) from the Garden Centre and gave it one dose back in June and it’s done really well, leaves coming back green and it had a re pot in fresh ericaceous compost.

The camellia in the background is ‘Nuccio’s Pearl’ for comparison, and leaves much more healthier and greener - 🤞🏼 it continues to improve #camellia #camellia-advice #sequesteredirontonic #foliage-irondeficiency

Yep, iron deficiency with yellow blotching on thr leaves. 👍 One of mine was very yellow as well but now is somewhere between yours two. Neither of mine are fully green like your 'Nuccio's Pearl' but I'm going to hang on and see how they'll do in spring. I actually gave another dose in early August but only to the one that was really yellow. I've looked at before pictures and just popped out to the garden. It still has light green blotches so the 2nd dose didn't seem to make much difference.

Very big difference in the colours🤙🏻

I can only try, it may just need another mulch over winter and then it will be fine. I'd be happier if I saw new growth at normal colours but it's not put out any new leaves since the treatment. So doubt I'll get flowers again next year despite the watering @ublaszko

It is @kathy but it's a lot better than it was - hoping it will improve more over winter, or at least put new growth on

I don't think it's iron deficiency that directly affected bud development but repotting would cause camellias to skip flowering. I top dressed one of my camellias with addition layer of eric. compost to see if it will make any difference. They won't put on much growth until April time so I'd forget about them until then. You could get a couple of hellebores instead to give you big showy flowers in March so you don't miss out on colour in late winter/early spring

Ah it's fine, my garden is work in progress anyway so i can wait another year. I've got hundreds of hellebores as seedlings that I've raised waiting to plant in the woodland area too, they probably need another year or two as well before they flower @ublaszko

Sounds like you're new woodland garden will be amazing. 😍😍😍

@richard.spicer.7906 Hello Richard. Some Camellias can be tricky. The best way to ensure bud for the following year is to keep well watered after flowering. This has (mostly) worked for me in the past . Hope this might help .

Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 @ublaszko

Thanks John 👍🏼 - I’ve been keeping it watered, I can only hope some buds form before the cold really sets in but even if it doesn’t then I’ll be giving it lots of tlc next spring @johninbrighton
Early Spring 2016

What a lovely day ☀️ - been doing some spring cleaning and shredding ready for new growth to come through. And I finally bit the bullet and got my first Camellia. 'Nuccio's Jewel' - white semi double flower flushed with pink. Just a tiny one for now - all potted up in ericaceous soil and settling into its new home against the back wall of the house (north facing).

👍👍 look forward to next spring Rich @richard.spicer.7906

Same @juliesgarden , although I'm wondering if it might still be too small yet. Hopefully will put on a bit of growth this year 😉
Snap! I've also been planting out my first camellia today, north facing, but mine is Adolphe Audusson (red flowers). Seems a bit delicate, I'd lost half the flowers in a week, before it even made it into the ground - hope that's not a trend :-(
PS you take such lovely photos, I wish mine came out so vibrant

thanks @lush235, that's very kind of you to say so 😊 - I think the Camellia should be fine. That's probably the one risk of these plants is the blooms do suffer if it gets cold and frosty at the wrong time. I think providing we accept that some years it will flower very good and other years not so good, then hopefully it should always meet your expectations 😊

A must have in every garden. The flowers are spectacular and provide a natural mulch when they drop and the leaves are all glossy and shiny. 🌸😍

I love camellias too .. But dont have any success with them . i had one called debbie which is my name . it died :(

I've been tidying up too and cutting bk ready for the new summer growth looks a bit bare now but hopefully will look fantastic in a couple of mths

Thanks @sue1953 - did I see you have some in flower now? Just wondering what time of year they flower for you in Aus.

Oh no @magicsangel - that's not good. Do you know what might have happened to it? I no they prefer a sheltered shady spot.

Excellent @maryp , I'm sure it will spring up in no time! I only weeded the beds about three weeks ago and they are already starting to come back.
Camellia seems to have avoided the frost! It’s looking much healthier after it’s repot last year #camellia #camelliajaponica #camellia-japonica #camelliajaponicanucciosjewel
Beautiful color💗
Straight on my wish list. I want a pink one and that’s stunning 🌸🌸🌸
Not all pink colours are as nice as this. V. sophisticated.
What a beautiful bloom Richard. Hoping my repotted camellia will do as well as yours next year 🤞
@richard.spicer.7906 Wow ! This is spectacular Richard..... at first I thought it was a rose.
Beautiful 🌸
Stunning pink. 💗🌸
I bet that smells amazing👍💗