Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Pearl'
Camellia 'Nuccio's Pearl'
Mid Spring 2017
- 18
Early Spring 2017
- 9
Late Autumn 2016
- 5

Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Pearl'
Mid Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017

😍 - wasn't expecting this to flower this year #camellia #camellia-japonica #camelliajaponicanucciospearl

I had this lovely in my last garden. Thanks for the memory @richard.spicer.7906 😍

Beautiful form and colour 👌🏼🌸💕

Well what a lovely surprise, it's so beautiful 😍

Very beautiful


How beautiful Richard! What a lovely surprise!

Beautiful 💕

Simply stunning Rich! 😲😍
Late Autumn 2016

Second #camellia addition to the garden. Hoping to grow this and my other one (Nuccio's Jewel) against the back wall of my house, which is north facing. Both have been watered well this autumn (good way to ensure flowering buds) 👍🏼💦🌸 #camellia-japonica #camelliajaponicanucciospearl

That will be lovely Rich 👍

Lovely colour 😊

That'll be beautiful! 👌🏼🌸

Looking forward to seeing it flower 🌸🌸
Camellia japonica 'Nuccio's Pearl' - still flowering like a trooper, and such a wonderful colour blend ❤️ #camellia #camellia-japonica #camelliajaponicanucciospearl
That is stunning , now on my list 🌸🌸💕😍👍🏻
Morning Rich this is lovely 💕🌸💕
What a gorgeous bloom Richard!
Hi Richard this has got to be one of the best.camellias I've ever seen , stunning 😍😍😍😍
Morning Rich , just lovely 💓
Stunning absolutely stunning!
Beautiful 🤗
Stunning 😊
So lovely 💗💗💗