Mid Summer 2018
- 10
Mid Summer 2018
- 24
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2016
- 5
Early Autumn 2015
- 7
Late Summer 2015
- 2
Late Summer 2015
- 6
Early Summer 2015
- 2
Early Summer 2015
- 1
Late Spring 2015
- 1
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Early Summer 2014
- 0

Canna 'Phasion' syn. Canna 'Durban', Canna 'Tropicanna', Canna 'Inferno'
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

Canna ‘Durban’ (aka ‘’Phasion’) has started flowering this season for me. A TIP - don’t deadhead a canna! The flowering stem continues to grow through the old flowers to produce new ones and it can do this up to 3-4 times in one season. If you cut it off after the first flush, then you essentially lose the rest of the flowers on that stem for the rest of the season. If anything, you can gently just pull off the tired looking petals as they fade to tidy it up a bit 👍🏼 #canna #canna-advice

#cannadurban #advice #advice-canna

This is just such a lovely colour... @richard.spicer.7906

It’s got to be related to the gladioli 🧡😲

Awesome 🧡

Plus great #tip

Great canna advice, Rich! 🤞 that mine will continue to flower @richard.spicer.7906

Thank you for your advice, first time growing Canna and mine is about to flower and I would have dead headed it 👍😊👍

Beautiful colour ❤🧡

I totally agree @richard.spicer.7906 I do exactly the same. It looks unsightly but they just keep producing flower stems. Love these! Over winter them and beginning of spring cut it right down to the base, start watering and hey presto it starts to grow. Quite possibly with little babies 👶 want more of these in different colours. Gorgeous!!

Thanks for the advice Rich 👍👍

#phasion #canna-phasion #orangeflowers
Early Summer 2018

Canna ‘Durban’ , which also goes by the name of ‘Phasion’ - much more variegated variety and of red colouration. But you can see there are breaks in the lines and some parts have reverted to green. #canna #cannahealthcheck #canna-advice #canna-virus #cannadurban

Web link for anyone interested to learn about the virus - http://www.canna-virus.org.uk

Wow, stunning Rich 👌👍

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom Canna are in a family of their own but the closest to them are the Hedychium known as Ginger Lily. 😊

@cosmicveggie oh thank you..
Late Summer 2016

Second year in a row this #canna has flowered, although I confess that it's been growing in its winter pot. I never got round to planting it properly in the border this year #orange #cannadurban

Love these 😘

Wow its lovely 👌 still waiting for mine but nearly there 😁

Love these! Mine still need more sun shine.🌞🌞

Thanks all - considering the neglect it's had this year I really didn't expect much from it at all. Although they like full sun, a few do well in light shade. And all of them like plenty of water during the summer months, which can be difficult to achieve if your competing with sun. @Hut123456789 @Keely @latebloomer @noorkhan
Early Autumn 2015

Morning all, not long now before all the late summer hot colours start to fade. There is still so much going on in everyone's gardens - another of my four Cannas is finally flowering, and just in the nick of time too! 😁 #cannadurban

Super #lily

Beautiful colour 😊



Absolutely beautiful, love this colour

thanks @jane.mckiver 👍🏼😀 it was the first year they flowered so keeping my fingers crossed for even better display this year!
Late Summer 2015

Well, I didn't think I'd see this flower in its first full year, so that's a nice surprise 😀 #cannadurban

Late Summer 2015

The afternoon wkd sun shining through the Canna leaves 😁 #cannadurban

Wow looks like fancy glass 😀

I agree with debs beautiful 😊



Wonderful plants
Early Summer 2015

Amazing colouring on these leaves #cannadurban

Early Summer 2015

Leaves starting to get bigger #cannadurban
Late Spring 2015

Love these
Late Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015
Early Summer 2014
#foliagefriday Morning everyone 👋🏼☕️ #canna #cannadurban
Morning Richard @richard.spicer.7906 Gorgeous foliage I’m looking to grow more Canna’s next year, think this may be one 😍☕️
I’m looking at cannas in a different light now, Rich! I love this one. Did you see last week’s Gardeners World? They visited a garden where there was a canna called ‘Panache’. It was beautiful. @richard.spicer.7906
Love them🤗
Gorgeous 😍
That's just got to be the foliage of the day Rich 👌👌👌
Love this 😍
Nice shot, lovely color 🤗
All the colour in the foliage wow! Have to get it for myself 😍