Canna 'Trinacria Variegata' syn. Canna 'Bangkok', Canna 'Striped Beauty', Canna 'Christ's Light', Canna 'King of Siam', Canna 'Minerva', Canna 'Trinervia Nirvana Variegata', Canna 'Nirvana'
Canna 'Trinacria Variegata'
- Mid Summer 2018
- 61
- 6
- Mid Summer 2018
- 37
- 7
- Early Summer 2018
- 39
- 6
- Mid Spring 2018
- 32
- 2
Canna 'Trinacria Variegata' syn. Canna 'Bangkok', Canna 'Striped Beauty', Canna 'Christ's Light', Canna 'King of Siam', Canna 'Minerva', Canna 'Trinervia Nirvana Variegata', Canna 'Nirvana'
- Mid Summer 2018
- 61
- Mid Summer 2018
- 37
@cosmicveggie - here’s the back of one of the worst leaves. Can’t tell if it’s rust or just dead tissue.
I don't think it's rust. Rust would look like orangey spots. As if someone sprinkled the leaf with cinnamon 😁
Me too, I had never thought it was rust until it was pointed out to me that sometimes Cannas suffer from rust. I think these are just dead bits of tissue where it overheated in the polytunnel earlier in the year 👍🏼😊 @ublaszko
Yes, cannas do suffer from rust but the leaf would be dotted with lots of orangey spots. Easy to recognise really. These look more like stripes and they look kind of dry brown so I think you're right it's dead material. They still should flower though 😊
Thanks Urszula 😊 @ublaszko
Could it be canna virus ? I know it's rife around the country or yes could be sunburn. I know a canna specialist who could tell you
Thanks Julie, That’s what I thought originally - but I think it might be just be tissue damage from the polytunnel earlier in the year. The new growth seems much healthier. Cosmicveggie took a little look and I think I’m just gonna keep feeding and water and see what happens by end of year. I’m slightly worried about virus now I’ve heard about it. But I’ve also been bad at feeding in previous years. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 @vec
- Early Summer 2018
- 39
Hmmmm 🤭☹️ - this one doesn’t look so good. It only has a plain green leaf, but you can see there is a lot of yellow streaking. I’m gonna isolate this one and watch it grow one or two whole new leaves outside to see if it gets the same, and if it doesn’t then perhaps it was just the effects of the heat/temps in the polytunnel 🤞🏼 #canna #cannatrinacriavariegata #canna-virus #canna-advice #cannahealthcheck
Above refers to one on left only. The one on the right is a different cultivar and has natural yellow stripes....
Web link for anyone interested to learn about the virus -
Show me a closer photo of the green one Richard. They do also suffer from rust, we found out to our detriment 🙄
Will do - it’s doing a little better now and it’s had a feed and repot. But there still a bit of discolouring - maybe it is rust. I’ll tag you in it 👍🏼
Keep it really well fed and stand the pot in water, it’ll grow away quickly then 😊
- Mid Spring 2018
- 32
This is what sparked the buying frenzy, I’ve been looking for this for ages after seeing it at an RHS show a couple of years ago and realised it has many, many synonyms - I was looking for Canna ‘Bangkok’ but it goes also by the name ‘Canna ‘Striped Beauty’, Canna ‘Minerva’ and many others 😳 - it has lovely yellow flowers from reddish buds, each petal with a fine white stripe. Variegated foliage too 👌🏼 #cannatrinacriavariegata #cannastripedbeauty #cannabangkok #canna
Very nice 👌
@cosmicveggie - and here is a fresh leaf at the top. No brown bits and just variegation
Love the variegated ones Richard @richard.spicer.7906 and the red leaves ones adds so much more interest as well as the various colours 👍👌💚
Beautiful Richard
I think I sense a new passion coming on!! @richard.spicer.7906
That's got alot of names attached to it 😂
That’s what I thought when I read up about it! Took me ages to find it but I think that was because I was looking under a syn. name not used much in U.K. 😂 it surprising how much this happens @vec