04/08/19 - I may have bought a couple of new Colocasia at Hampton Court in July 🙊🙈.... nice pinkish stems, and getting some nice vein markings I think #colocasia #colocasiapinkchina #colocasia-esculenta #colocasiaesculentapinkchina #elephantear
Normally not very hardy Sue, my oldest three spent winter indoors last year, one as a dormant corn and the other two as house plants although they were really struggling by April. This one is supposedly hardier but will test it this year @suerichards
04/08/19 - I may have bought a couple of new Colocasia at Hampton Court in July 🙊🙈.... nice pinkish stems, and getting some nice vein markings I think #colocasia #colocasiapinkchina #colocasia-esculenta #colocasiaesculentapinkchina #elephantear
So pretty love the pink stems
Of course I love it x x x
@richard.spicer.7906 how hardy are they, or are they like the Canna lilies please 🤔
Thanks Deanna, it’s really lovely and can’t wait to see a few more leaves appear @ladeebug
😄👌🏼 - thought you might 😉 it’s apparently one of the hardiest Claudia, so will see how it fairs in the polytunnel this winter! @clipperty
Normally not very hardy Sue, my oldest three spent winter indoors last year, one as a dormant corn and the other two as house plants although they were really struggling by April. This one is supposedly hardier but will test it this year @suerichards
And mine will definitely go in the garage EARLY 😃 x x x