Crocus chrysanthus 'Herald'
Crocus 'Herald'
Mid Winter 2020
- 38
Mid Winter 2020
- 8
Mid Winter 2018
- 12
Mid Winter 2018
- 6
Early Winter 2017
- 3

Crocus chrysanthus 'Herald'
Mid Winter 2020
Mid Winter 2020

The crocus in the tunnel are speeding along now... Herald has just come up in the last couple of days #crocus #crocuschrysanthusherald #crocusherald #crocus-chrysanthus

Oh the burgundy is lovely 😍

You have the best encyclopedia listings! So much info!

Looking forward to seeing these open Richard 😀

It’s a wonderfully rich colour Kerry, not many with colouring like that 😊💜 @kez001uk

Aw thanks Leslie! 😊 @lesliecole49

They were great last year Sarah, don’t often find this variety around much 💜💛 @sieveheadsarah

Lol! Of course Lin, but I keep a lot of my tiny bulbs in pots as they get lost in the garden ☺️ @linfoster - my snowdrops seems in the garden 👍🏼
Mid Winter 2018

...and by mid afternoon, after defrosting and warming up in the sun, it opens to reveal its inner self 😀👌🏼☀️ #crocus #crocus-chrysanthus #crocuschrysanthusherald #crocusherald

Love the colour combination

So worth the wait for them to thaw out Rich beautiful 🧡

Wow! One of my favourites of yours so far! 😍😍😍

That's a beauty 😍😍

Beautiful 😍

Love this one 😍😍

Wow! #bestoffebruary

That’s such a pretty shot..beautiful 😍💚🧡

Gorgeous 😊

That's a goodun!

Mid Winter 2018

So pleased to get a replacement order of these crocus from a more reliable supplier, and get the right ones! Crocus 'Herald' - has these lovely deep plum purple outer petals which have a slight yellow edging. The inner petals are primrose yellow. This was taken yesterday on a frosty morning....

#crocus #crocus-chrysanthus #crocuschrysanthusherald #crocusherald

Beautiful colour, Rich! 💜💜 @richard.spicer.7906

More beauties Rich 💜💛

Gawjus look forward to this one opening 💜💛💜💛

Love the colouring of these ones..they’re going to be beautiful when they open Richard 😍👌
Early Winter 2017

Crocus 'Herald' - planted in September in my classic pot display. This one has yellow and plum coloured flowers 🤓 #crocus #bulbs #bulb-addict #crocus-chrysanthus #crocuschrysanthusherald

Wow going to look gorgeous 👍🏻

Woo hoo look at them ❤❤
Amazing what a bit of sun can do in the polytunnel ☀️ I’ve been reading today about the phenomenon 'Thermonasty' in crocuses, where the flowers open in response to increasing temperatures, rather than by light. It’s also very common in Tulips. which is why crocuses and tulips only open up on warmer days and not colder days. So there you go 🤓📖 #thermonasty #learnsomethingneweveryday
#crocus #crocusherald #crocuschrysanthus #crocus-chrysanthus #crocuschrysanthusherald
Interesting 👍 Lovely colour Rich
Very interesting Rich! I didn't know that 💘😍
Wow! That was fast! Beautiful contrasting colours 😍 your posts are always interesting to read 😁
Clever nature huh? Propagators aren’t out on colder days so I suppose the flower is saving itself! Lovely crocuses BTW!
Every day is a school day. I didn't know that either 😊👍
Stunning photo Rich 👌😀
Thank you @richard.spicer.7906 The hotter you are the better you perform. #Nature is wonderful.
Beautiful 💛
😍 @richard.spicer.7906
So pretty Rich 💛💛💛