Crocus sieberi 'Hubert Edelsten'
Crocus (Species) Sieber's Crocus 'Hubert Edelsten'
Mid Winter 2023
- 10
Late Winter 2021
- 3
Mid Winter 2021
- 24
Mid Winter 2020
- 24
Mid Winter 2020
- 1

Crocus sieberi 'Hubert Edelsten'
Mid Winter 2023
Late Winter 2021

Crocus sieberi 'Hubert Edelsten' - I need this to bulk up, it’s been one corm now for a while! 🤨 #crocus #crocussieberi #crocus-sieberi #crocussieberihubertedelsten

I like this one Richard

Thanks Judy 😊 @plants
Mid Winter 2021

Crocus flowers open by a mechanism known as a ‘thermonastic' response - that is it opens due to a change in temperature within the closed flower. It doesn’t matter how much light you have, if there is no heat it will not open. The sun came out today, but it wasn’t until this afternoon when the temp finally rose in the tunnel that the flowers responded. I watched this crocus open and close a number of times this afternoon. The science behind plants is fascinating

#crocus #crocussieberihubertedelsten #crocussieberi #crocus-sieberi #sieberscrocushubertedelsten #sieberscrocus #thermonasty

That sounds really cool👍💜

Wow! I did genuinely think it was light levels until now. That is amazing

Perhaps I should blow on mine with a hair dryer 😉🤣🤣🤣

@ublaszko 🤣 love it!

That’s amazing, thanks Rich 🙏

Well now I know 😉 bring on the sun ☀️

Very beautiful 😍

@richard.spicer.7906 ...... Evening Richard.... these Crocus are beautiful .... love the colours, and the info. is fascinating ..... I thought it was just the light levels that controlled the opening of the petals ...... hope you are enjoying your weekend....... keep warm .

Very cool in Rich

Amazing, this is good to know 💜💜💛
Mid Winter 2020

Hubert’s out , although he’s a bit shy so don’t stare 😊👍🏼 #crocus #crocus-sieberi #crocussieberi #crocussieberihubertedelsten #sieberscrocushubertedelsten #sieberscrocus

Hello Hubert Your so beautiful 💜

Oh don’t be shy Hubert, you’re so very handsome! Love the mix of colours on this one Rich 👌🏼

That's a pretty one @richard.spicer.7906

I can't help staring, what a gorgeous one 💜💛💜

Oh, that's a nice one!

Great colours Rich 👌

Very pretty 💛💜

Poor boy! It’s hard being beautiful

I’ll pretend I’m not 🤣😁

He is Elise, he is very handsome. He’s a little small this year but he didn’t show last year so might have needed a rest. @auricula

😄 thank you Della 🌷 @harebell
Mid Winter 2020

Looks like a flower is on its way too #crocus #crocus-sieberi #crocussieberi #crocussieberihubertedelsten #sieberscrocushubertedelsten #sieberscrocus
Coming up very quickly now! Recorded -3C last night on the tunnel thermometer and it’s supposed to colder tonight. The crocus don’t seem to mind the night temps but the sun during the day is making them grow too fast. Recorded 24C by lunch time, with doors both ends open. One of the downsides to growing them like this #crocus #crocussieberihubertedelsten #crocussieberi #crocus-sieberi
Still waiting for this to bulk up. Just scrolled back and it’s been one flower for the last few years now
Beautiful markings💜🤍. -3 here last night Richard🥶
It's an absolute stunner Rich 💜🤍💛
They are such a lovely flower🤗
Recorded -4.7C last night Elise! Wasn’t forecast that cold 🥶 no fog though fortunately. Been sunny all day @Auricula
I know, it’s a dilemma that I’ve been thinking about for a while. Should I keep them in there or move them outside. Definitely some varieties will do better, but i have others that won’t do so well as some crocus don’t like to be too wet. @KOutdoors
Thanks Jane, it’s always nice to see it return and has been one of my favourites for a while 🤍💜 @pelly
Thanks Enid, its certainly more unusual looking than my others 😊 @godfreye