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St Albans based, career changer and studying Horticulture. Bulb addict, South African plant fan and converted succulent lover
A few more #crocus popping up
So very pretty 💜🤍🧡
Very cheery 🤍💜🧡
Oh, that's gorgeous 💜🤍💜
Yay 💜💛
Spring is around the corner .....
It certainly is Rachel 😊 thanks everyone, it’s one I’ve only been trying for a couple of years, lovely colours on it. And seems to be bulking up a little I think 🤞🏼 @hkyfvr @Auricula @pelly @juliesgarden @johninbrighton @gjones @lifeonaroofterrace
Always welcome 💜🧡
Love them 🥰
This is a good one! I had C. sieberi 'Firefly' this year as my new addition. They're so stunning!
Crocus sieberi 'Ronald Ginns' #crocus #crocussieberi #crocus-sieberi #crocussieberironaldginns
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A few more #crocus popping up
So very pretty 💜🤍🧡
Very cheery 🤍💜🧡
Oh, that's gorgeous 💜🤍💜
Yay 💜💛
Spring is around the corner .....
It certainly is Rachel 😊 thanks everyone, it’s one I’ve only been trying for a couple of years, lovely colours on it. And seems to be bulking up a little I think 🤞🏼 @hkyfvr @Auricula @pelly @juliesgarden @johninbrighton @gjones @lifeonaroofterrace
Always welcome 💜🧡
Love them 🥰
This is a good one! I had C. sieberi 'Firefly' this year as my new addition. They're so stunning!