Crocus sieberi subsp. atticus 'Firefly'
Crocus (Species) Sieber's Crocus 'Firefly'
Mid Winter 2023
- 18
Late Winter 2021
- 7
Mid Winter 2021
- 16
Late Winter 2019
- 12
Mid Winter 2018
- 3
Mid Winter 2018
- 11
Late Winter 2017
- 4
Early Autumn 2016
- 3

Crocus sieberi subsp. atticus 'Firefly'
Mid Winter 2023
Late Winter 2021

Can’t get enough of these - Crocus sieberi subsp. atticus 'Firefly' #crocus #crocus-sieberi #crocussieberi #crocussieberisubspatticusfirefly #crocussieberifirefly

They are gorgeous 😍😍😍 I love the purple veining and how three petals are lighter and the other three are darker. I think I prefer it to the one I have 'Tricolor'.

Just beautiful 💜💛💜

Lovely 😍 I think I have these but no flowers yet.

These are so beautiful!

@richard.spicer.7906 ..... These are absolutely beautiful Richard ...... love the delicate colouring .

Thank you John! @johninbrighton
Mid Winter 2021

I love taking pictures of crocus before and after they open, I take so many of them at this time of year, and often the outside markings on the sepals and tube are just as attractive as those on the inside. These 'Firefly' flowers are very vivid and strong coloured here but when they open they are much paler and delicate inside

#crocus #crocussieberi #crocus-sieberi #crocussieberisubspatticusfirefly #crocussieberifirefly

They do seem to pale as they open and they definitely fade in the light - you choose lovely ones - mine have been in the lawn for years and randomly pop up


That is beautiful 😍

Wonderful photo.


They're so pretty 💜💜💛

More to come Sharon 😄 I’d love to put some in the lawn one day. Do you plant the tommasinianus ones? @sharonhayden

Thanks Nej 🙏🏼 - it’s got a very striking colour about it @nej

Thank you John 😊🙏🏼 @johninbrighton

Thank you Ange - the bottoms look like they are glowing! @anges
Late Winter 2019

20/02/19 - Crocus Update - Crocus seiberi subsp. atticus 'Firefly', recognisable by it’s yellow perianth tubes and mauve tepals which fade to a light lilac. Quite a short one, and doesn’t extend out much beyond the foliage. However, I seem to have some stowaways in this pot of another one (and scrolling back it seems it’s always been in there and hadn’t noticed it till this year!) - the perianth tube on the stowaways are striped instead of clear yellow, and are much larger blooms than firefly.

No idea what those might be, will have to do a bit of research and separate them off into a different pot ready for next year 👍🏼 #crocus #crocussieberifirefly #crocus-sieberi #crocussieberisubspatticusfirefly

They do look pretty together. 💞

They are beautiful 😍 I’m like in love with these😁 @richard.spicer.7906

So dainty 💕💜

Could it be Tuscan crocus/crocus etruscus?

@richard.spicer.7906 Wow ! This is a beautiful photo Richard. The colour looks almost luminous . Fabulous.

@richard.spicer.7906 This makes me wish it was my background photo ♡_♡ Perfect shot!

Wow! Like @johninbrighton says, they do look luminous 😍

Possibly Urszula will check it out. Of course, they have all faded now and can’t tell any of them apart 😂 (note to self, Mark then before the flowers fade next year!!) @ublaszko


Thank you everyone 😊🙏🏼 - they do certainly appear luminous in the sun, and fade very nicely 👌🏼 @jeatacake @quantumrobin @johninbrighton @lexijane @alysha @lovestogarden
Mid Winter 2018

Soft lilac tones of Crocus sieberi subsp. atticus 'Firefly' 💜 #crocus #crocus-sieberi #crocussieberifirefly #crocussieberisubspatticusfirefly

So beautiful Richard😍

Fabulous photo. Fabulous colours. Love it.
Mid Winter 2018

Crocus 'Firefly' 💜💛💜 #crocus #winterwonders #crocussieberifirefly #crocussieberisubspatticusfirefly

Beautiful photo!

Oh I like those, they're gorgeous 💜💛


#bestoffebruary 💜


I look forward to your crocus photos in my newsfeed every morning - they are delightful!

Gorgeous colour 💜

Lovely Colours

Very beautiful

Beautiful 💜💛💜
Late Winter 2017

This have a lot of potential 😍💜 #crocus #crocussieberisubspatticusfirefly

Stunning shot 👌📸👌

Good pic😀📸👏👏💜

Capture is a stunning shot Richard 📸👌👏👏👏
Early Autumn 2016

Now for some #crocus #bulbs , 'Firefly' 🤓 #pots

💜💛 These look really pretty

Ooooo what fun!! I am in full bulb buying/planting obsession right now and loving it. Feel a bit like the busy squirrels running around in my yard burying their goodies 😂😂
Aw, if only they didn’t live so far apart, they could have been the best of friends….. 💜 Two little crocuses…. or is it croci? 🤔 now there’s a thought for the day - some Sunday reading 📖
I liked the suggestion of a chorus 🙂
I know right? I would never have thought about it until I’d read that 😄 @charlotte
Had a similar conversation with my OH the other night, as to whether it was Pegasus, Pegasuses or Pegasi??🤷♂️ @richard.spicer.7906 @charlotte
aww so cute
Pegasi @hebelover
A #chorusofcrocus sounds like a Disney Movie title!
Thanks Deb 😊 @debsgarden99
😆 that would be a great movie title Kari! Even better if it were a musical 😉 🎤 @KariSamuel
Ooh yes definitely would say Pegasi too. A pleasantry of pegasi 😁👍🏼 @charlotte @hebelover