Crocus sieberi subsp. sublimis 'Tricolor' syn. Crocus sieberi subsp. sublimis f. tricolor
Crocus (Species) Three-coloured Sieber's Crocus
Mid Winter 2023
- 14
Mid Winter 2022
- 13
Late Winter 2021
- 3
Mid Winter 2020
- 13
Late Winter 2019
- 17
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Late Winter 2018
- 9

Crocus sieberi subsp. sublimis 'Tricolor' syn. Crocus sieberi subsp. sublimis f. tricolor
Mid Winter 2023
Mid Winter 2022

Tricolor crocus slowly opening, always a favourite but not always reliably hardy. Seems fine in the raised beds in the polytunnel 💜🤎💛

Now these little guys really say "it's spring"!

Maybe critters eating bulbs. 🌞

Lovely, haven’t spied anything of my crocuses yet☺️

@richard.spicer.7906 ...... These are wonderful Richard ..... really beautiful.

Great shot with nice blur💜💜💜

Thanks @rikkie 😄 they are great photo subjects!

Thanks John - one of my favs! @johninbrighton

Aw, I’m sure they are on their way. Still have a lot slowly just popping through the soil. I seem to have lots come up in the tunnel early due to the artificially higher day temps in the tunnel. My outdoor ones are nowhere near as far yet @Auricula

Yes, mice are especially partial to a crocus bulb or two…. 🐭 - most crocus I have are very Hardy but these have always hated the wet uk winters. Even when the mice don’t get them, they often just rot off for me. @sunlovin

They do! They look like little satellite dishes 📡 zoning in on looking for winter sun! @emch

I spied a couple of crocuses today Rich💜
Late Winter 2021

Tricoloured Crocus, flower popping up before the foliage 👌🏼 #Crocus #crocussieberisubspsublimistricolor #crocus-sieberi #tricolourcrocus


So many crocus! They're all so pretty!
Mid Winter 2020

My favourite crocus on emerging 💜🤍💛#crocus #crocussieberisubspsublimistricolor purple, then thin band of white, with a yellow base. Always wondered why they dont consider it quad coloured as the flower tube colour adds to the effect too

Beautiful 💜💛💜


Beautiful 💜💛🤍

I only have a couple coming up here and there. Snow bunting seems to be the winner. Tricolour are barely poking above the soil 😁

@richard.spicer.7906 any chance I can burn ya ears mate. I’ve had my two lemon trees in the greenhouse. For weeks now with a heater. And I woke up this morning to finding soot everywhere. I’ve cleaned them down and taken off the bad leaves. But any ideas on giving these a boost. So I don’t lose them. I will never use a paraffin heater again.

Hi Wayne, sorry to hear that. Sounds like a nightmare. Not sure I’m able to help as I’ve never grown citrus before. The only thing I can suggest is to keep caring for it as you would normally in winter until spring - not sure if this rhs link will help perhaps 👍🏼

Thanks Cyndi 😊🙏🏼 @cyndi

Thank you Jane 😊 - I’ve not been out for a few days but today when I checked on them they were all out in all their glory @pelly

Thank you Akshat 😊 @akshat

Thanks Julie 😊 - I’m liking the little anthers poking through the tops! @juliesgarden

Aw, won’t be long now Urszula then they will all be shining in the sun! ☀️ @ublaszko
Late Winter 2019

21/02/19 - Crocus Update - this is one of my favourite Crocus, and as the name suggests it has this wonderful tricolour pattern on the tepals as it emerges, and if you throw in the colour of the perianth tube as well then it could be quad coloured 😄 - purple, white band, yellow base, and when they open up they are exactly the same inside. Been in the polytunnel for the last hour watering, absolute bliss in here and very nice temp 😎☀️💛💜

#Crocus #crocussieberisubspsublimistricolor #crocus-sieberi #tricolourcrocus

Superb!!! Omg I love them. 😍 the color is outstanding. 🤗😁 @richard.spicer.7906

How lovely. I look forward to see them open 💜💛

Nice and sunny here as well 😍

Lovely! They remind me of tie dye 💜💛💜💛💜😍

Gorgeous Rich💜💛💜💛

Ohhhh I want. Gorgeous 💜💛💜

I 💜💛💜💛💜🧡 trio colors the 🌱..this is so pretty 🥰🥰

Love this one too !

Wow they are fabulous 💜💛💚

Wow beautiful 🤩
Early Spring 2018

Seems I did take a photo after all of this one. I couldn’t find any the other day but I take so many sometimes I forget what I’ve taken, posted etc.. #crocus #tricolourcrocus #crocus-sieberi #Crocussieberisubspsublimistricolor

I thought I was the only one who did that... 😉 @richard.spicer.7906

😆 - It doesn’t take much to confuse me these days! 😉 @tinaaune

Oooo I really love these! 💜🧡💜

Wow 💜💜
Late Winter 2018

I forgot to post this one a month ago, it’s long since gone but adding it to my plant list. I didn’t catch it before it faded unfortunately so will be hoping for a return visit next year #crocus #tricolourcrocus #crocus-sieberi #Crocussieberisubspsublimistricolor

That’s lovely🤗

I'll bet it was beautiful

Hi there. They are lovely💚 I have some of these. They faded as well. Do you know what should I do for keeping them alive in summer amd winter? ( watering, protecting from mines winter degrees etc.) @richard.spicer.7906

Beautiful colors @richard.spicer.7906

🌺beautiful.. love the colours Rich..


Hi @pietalou - you should let them die back naturally over summer, so that the foliage dies down slowly. Crocus like to be dormant during the summer months, I allow mine to still get some rain every now again so that they don't fully dry out completely, then in late autumn and early winter they will soon start to wake up as temperatures decrease. Most crocus are winter hardy but I don't know which ones you have so best to check. Hope that helps 😊👍🏼

Thanks a lot Richard. 😄The information you gave is very helpfull. I hope I can manage to make them alive for next year👍Have a lovely day🍀 @richard.spicer.7906
One of my favourite crocuses, but it doesn’t always survive outside in the cold and wet UK soil. Does well in the tunnel though. I see we are about to have another cold week, frosts on the horizon tonight and for the next few days 🙄 anyone would think it’s winter! Oh.. wait… #crocus #crocussieberisubspsublimistricolor #februaryblooms #tricolourcrocus
I’m dreading the frosts again 🥶
I thought I had a few more days grace without having to run outside as soon as I get home and cover everything with fleece 🙄 @pelly
Thank you @gjones 😊
That’s another beautiful one .. not looking forward to frosts again Rich 😬
I say forget feb now, just roll on March 😆😆 @juliesgarden
🤣🤣🤣 .. I’m wish you there !!😘
That's a lovely crocus, I might have to find space for them in the tunnel next year
All of can see is a sunny side up egg! 🍳
That’s a beauty Richard. Frost here again last night
Wonderful photo Richard, we were in the - numbers again last night.