Cyclamen alpinum
Cyclamen (Species) Alpine Cyclamen
Early Winter 2023
- 14
Mid Autumn 2022
- 7
Mid Winter 2021
- 11
Early Winter 2021
- 5
Mid Winter 2020
- 8
Mid Winter 2020
- 8
Early Winter 2019
- 14

Cyclamen alpinum
Early Winter 2023
Mid Autumn 2022

Lots of buds on Cyclamen alpinum #cyclamen #cyclamen-alpinum #cyclamenalpinum

Such pretty foliage on these

Going to be spectacular🌸

Loads if flowers to look forward to

So intriguing how the yougin buds curl out.

It certainly is amazing how the flowers appear on cyclamen 😊 @grantham

Amazingly detailed for such a small leaf Leslie 😄 @lesliecole49
Mid Winter 2021

These were under the bench, uncovered. Half the cyclamen I have is hardy, and the other half are a little more tender and would prefer it not below zero but they all seemed ok in the tunnel. I wasn’t sure if I should have fleeced the tender ones but they all seem ok, esp this one which has been flowering all week

Lovely pink, hearts in a leaf

Nice #heart-shaped leaves

@richard.spicer.7906 ..... Morning Richard ...... This is beautiful ...... I left my miniature Cyclamen out all Winter, and they have survived and are in flower (just about) Looks like it's going to get a lot milder this week ..... Stay safe and well.

Thank you Katie 😊 @brightcolours

Yes, certainly warmer this week! Hope the cyclamen does well John, keeping my fingers crossed for you. Stay safe and we’ll too @johninbrighton

They do Eileen, hadn’t really taken in the shape before till you mentioned it. I tend to get distracted by the markings instead 😄 @emch

Indeed Aly, and something has been having a little nibble too! @thehardygardener


#cyclamen #cyclamen-alpinum #cyclamenalpinum
Early Winter 2021

#foliagefriday - flowers are popping up now too #cyclamen #cyclamen-alpinum #cyclamenalpinum

Pretty foliage.

Love the leaves

Thanks Susan 😊 - it’s a lot darker and more grey-ish than many of my others, so is a nice contrast @novicegardenlover

Thanks Nej 😄 - hoping the followers will contrast well with them. I think it’s a bit shorter than some of my others which I guess is not uncommon for alpine forms. @nej
Mid Winter 2020

It’s amazing how many flowers come from one tiny tuber! #cyclamen #cyclamen-alpinum #cyclamenalpinum

@richard.spicer.7906 ...... Morning Richard....... this is wonderful....... I love it.

So delicate, beautiful Richard

Lovely 😊

Thanks Christine 😊 @pixierose

Really pleased how well this one is coming along Joan @joanboston

Thank you John! Hope Brighton hasn’t been too wet and windy this weekend 😕 @johninbrighton

It certainly is beautiful Richard
Mid Winter 2020

First flowers I’ve ever seen on this Cyclamen since I bought it. And there are lots 😲 it’s only a small tuber, I only had one or two last year #cyclamen #cyclamen-alpinum #cyclamenalpinum

Oh they're lovely.......and pink 💞💞💞

So pretty

Thanks Cyndi 😊 @cyndi

@pelly 😁 hopefully will get some seed, I think I promised you last year I’d save some on one of the cyclamen but I didn’t get much in the end. More flowers this year so hopefully better chance 👍🏼

Thank you Janet 😊 I’m building up a nice cyclamen collection now. The polytunnel is turning more into a semi alpine tunnel! Hoping to get a greenhouse later this year as a permanent home for lots of them @janetandjim

😊💓 @dirtgirlworld

Oh thanks Rich, that would be great. 😍😘
Early Winter 2019

Another cyclamen foliage variation. Still quite a young plant but it’s quite different to others I’d seen so picked it up whilst visiting Ashwoods before Christmas. Cyclamen alpinum is not as hardy as other cyclamen, and doesn’t like much water during the summer so this will be kept under protection so I can monitor the watering and temp. I think it flowers between now and April after foliage has appeared, so hoping I’ll see some signs of buds soon.

#cyclamen #cyclamen-alpinum #foliage #cyclamenalpinum

What a beauty 👍

They look very cute this small size. Gonna put it in a clay pot soon like the others @suerichards

It will grow and blossom under your loving care💚

Beautiful 😍

So the plant buying ‘freeze’ has been lifted?! 😂

Aw, thanks Kim 😊🙏🏼 @kimguy

Thanks Lou 😊 @mcmurraylou

🤣 er.... darn it, alright ya got me! Does it count if I was on a collage day out? (Like a GT meet-up?) 🙄🤭 @sussexwestngs

Nope. That’s excluded from the ban 😂😂😂 @richard.spicer.7906

You are very welcome😎💜
One from the weekend, Cyclamen alpinum 💕 hope everyone has had a good day #cyclamen #cyclamen-alpinum #cyclamenalpinum
That is beautiful Richard, it’s been below freezing all day today!
How cute are those , was freezing down here today 💗
Lovely delicate flowers 🌸 the back garden is back to being the frozen Tundra🥶
Thanks Joan! Yes, bitterly cold outside today. Turned the compost heaps over today at work just to stay warm @joanboston
Pretty little things Julie, although the buds have taken ages to open, it was in bud back in October! @juliesgarden
Thanks Elise, yes I can imagine exactly what it looks like. It didn’t defrost at work today at all, another lot expected over night too 🥶 @Auricula
The thermometer says it just -2 but the dastardly wind is making it feel much colder, hope you find a sheltered spot today☺️
It’s a beauty Rich 🥶🥶🥶
What a little beauty 😍
Managed to keep warm the last couple of days this week 🧤 and glad it’s Friday! end of a very cold week, now warming up in front of the fire. Looks like this wkd will still be chilly here in herts till Monday now, but will be looking forward to checking on tunnel in the morning in the daylight 😊 @Auricula
Thanks Enid ☺️ it took ages for the buds to open @godfreye