Davallia solida var. fejeensis syn. Davallia fejeensis, Humata tyermanii
Rabbit's Foot Fern
Early Winter 2023
- 31
Mid Winter 2020
- 9

Davallia solida var. fejeensis syn. Davallia fejeensis, Humata tyermanii
Early Winter 2023
Mid Winter 2020

Cuttings from a Rabbits Foot Fern taken last year. Finally growing. I just cut off pieces of the hairy rhizomes and pegged them on top of the soil. Seems to be growing away nicely 😄 #rabbitsfootfern #fern #davallia #fern-propagation


I have had one of these for about 15 years, confined to the same pot the whole time, it trails down the side of our bathroom mirror cabinet, about 70 cm long. Also know as the monkey tail fern and I can see why.

@richard.spicer.7906 ...... Morning Richard......... I love ferns, and this one looks very delicate ..........beautiful.

Sounds like it’s done very well Erin 😄 I’ve not had any experience with these so hopefully I can keep it happy enough to grow bigger. The rhizomes seems starting to migrate up the side of this pot. Mist it a couple of times a day. I’d like to keep it in the bathroom but it’s quite dark unfortunately 😕 @erino

Thanks Deb 😊🐰 @debs69

Thank you John - i thought it was dead a couple of months ago as nothing was happening and then all of sudden a couple of fronds appeared! 😄 @johninbrighton

You have proved to be the most patient of gardeners propping this one, it takes Forever! I stuck kangaroo and rabbits foot together on pot and they both took and sprouted at exactly the same time, found that interesting 💚

😄🙏🏼💚 It does seem like forever! I think I took these cuttings in April or May last year. So this is almost months progress. Keeping it lightly mister at the moment to see if I can keep it going. How interesting your kangaroo and rabbit ferns took at same time 👏🏼👏🏼 @tinaaune
I took a cutting of a Rabbits Foot Fern a couple of years ago at college and it’s finally starting to look like a decent plant. Loving the furry bits creeping over the edge of the pot!
#davallia #fern #rabbitsfootfern #fern-propagation
I like that...Next on my bucket list.
Ooh that’s different I like it 😁
Omg that’s scary it’s like a tarantula hiding in a plant pot….🫣
I have to agree with Elaine😂. @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
🐰 🥰
Very different
That’s amazing Richard, I’ll be on the lookout for one. 👍🏼😀
Do you just put the cuttings in a moist potting mix? I had one for years, and it's stupidly long now, I want to trim it but think it would be a waste to just throw away the trimmings.
That’s unusual and very interesting 🤔 my kind of plant 🤩
I pinned pieces of it horizontally on the compost and sprayed them regularly. It took months for leaves to come but they have. @erino