Cataloguing - bought as Echeveria 'Mexicensis' although looks a little different to other pics I've seen 🤔 hmmm.... maybe it's just me I don't know. I've so much to learn about recognising succulents! #echeveria #echeveriamexicensis
It looks like a 'Mexicensis' to me. I wasn't convinced that mine looked right when I first got it - that's been the case with a few of my succulents (Echeveria 'Prolifica' and Pachyveria 'Draco' to name a couple) but as they grow they do end up changing.
Cataloguing - bought as Echeveria 'Mexicensis' although looks a little different to other pics I've seen 🤔 hmmm.... maybe it's just me I don't know. I've so much to learn about recognising succulents! #echeveria #echeveriamexicensis
It looks like a 'Mexicensis' to me. I wasn't convinced that mine looked right when I first got it - that's been the case with a few of my succulents (Echeveria 'Prolifica' and Pachyveria 'Draco' to name a couple) but as they grow they do end up changing.
Succulent id's make my head spin! I never get them right. Ugh