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Profile Image Rich Spicer


St Albans based, career changer and studying Horticulture. Bulb addict, South African plant fan and converted succulent lover

Echeveria Setosa var. Deminuta

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2018
  • Like Count 28

Cataloguing - leaf cuttings from Holland from a few weeks ago. Slightly unsure of this one as it is supposed to be Echeveria setosa var. deminuta but the leaves arrived and looked different. One already died, but did produce a new baby (see tiny blob of green almost below left of the other leaf, kinda buried in the soil a bit unfortunately) - will see how it develops #echeveria #echeveriasetosavardeminuta #echeveria-setosa #mexicanfirecracker #succulent-propagation
