Echium vulgare
Early Summer 2016
Mid Winter 2016

Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare) - not sure how I'll do with this one, but I really want to try growing Echiums and this is one of the more hardy species. Great for wildlife friendly gardens, and has lovely purple-blue flowers which are very attractive to bees 🤓

@lamaisonbleueoleron has a lovely picture of one in flower last year 👍🏼


Splendid name sounds like a Harry Potter character 🤓 Vipers Bugloss 👹

This is a beautiful species, happiest on light soils.

Now I need to pull my socks up & get ordering from British Wildflowers 😉

@debs69 - love it 😀🎓🕸🕯

@tiggrx - I've got lots of grit, do you think I should add some sand to the mix too 🤔

Definitely 😉👍🏼@ellenmarygardening

I think adding some sand would be a great idea, you often see it growing in very sandy places.
Other alliums continue to power on still, like 'Globemaster' which you can see here in the background. But it was this lovely blue Echium vulgare flowering which caught my eye - Viper's Bugloss is a #wildflower and a great source of nectar for pollinators. I introduced lots of #wildflowers earlier in the year and I'm really pleased with this one. 😁🐝🐝🐝
Great shot
Looks great Richard, I'm sure you'll start to notice a few more happy bees around 👌👏🏼
Great planting and excellent photography Richard.
Great plant in any garden, and the bees need all the help they can get.
Love the colour xx
It's s beauty
Wonderful colour
Fantastic shot 😀
Indeed @odnny , completely agree with your statement 😀👍🏼