Eranthis hyemalis Cilicica Group syn. Eranthis cilicica, Eranthis hyemalis var. cilicica
Winter Aconite 'Cilicica Group'
Mid Winter 2023
- 5
Mid Winter 2020
- 5
Mid Winter 2020
- 8
Late Winter 2019
- 9

Eranthis hyemalis Cilicica Group syn. Eranthis cilicica, Eranthis hyemalis var. cilicica
Mid Winter 2023
Mid Winter 2020

Almost missed these, I forgot about them last year after they emerged and never got a pic of them open. Well still not fully open but no doubt it will be next few days. No idea what those seed pods are in the pot too, maybe they were from last year and I never noticed? Not seen them before 🤔 #eranthis #eranthishyemaliscilicicagroup #winteraconite

Awww how cute are they 😍

So pretty 💛

I don’t know if you’re a Star Wars fan @lexicon but in one of the original Star Wars there’s a scene where they are all in a large trash container on the ship and the walls are moving in to crush them, and this random eye pops up out of the liquid 👁, and this plant reminds me of that scene as they come through the soil 😂😂

Lol not a big fan no, I do need to rewatch them because I think the last time i did watch them they put me to sleep (i was a new mother so was super tired already) Although I am enjoying watching the mandalorian at the moment. Lol 😂 they remind me of some sort of Pokemon or the flowers that pop out of the pipes in super Mario
Mid Winter 2020

I’m gonna have to move this pot. The pigeons are having a great time using it as target practice! 🙄🐦🎯💩 - these are slightly later than normal aconites, a little bigger too I think. Gonna make sure I catch a picture when they fully open as I forgot them last year #aconite #winteraconite #eranthis #eranthishyemalis #eranthis-hyemalis #eranthishyemaliscilicicagroup

🤣 Don't you just love Pigeons 😡

Are these related to, somehow, aconite/wolfsbane?

🤣 as long as it don’t poop on me head when I’m taking a pic Jayne, that would be just my luck! Although they say it’s lucky too lol! @jaynehynesburton

They certainly are in the same family Leslie (Ranunculaceae), although different Genus. We call that Monkshood too (Aconitum) @lesliecole49

Reminds me of my Dad walking up a hill with two bags of shopping and it happened to him, if you heard this Irishman giving out about what he reckoned was an albatross 🤣

Poor pot lin - I’ll have to wash it a bit 🧼 - think the birds better change their diet soon too 🤢😷 @linfoster

🤭🙊🦅 @jaynehynesburton
Late Winter 2019

21/02/19 - Star Plant Update - anyone reminded of that thing in one of the early star wars movies that pops out of the water in the trash compactor? 😂 I was when I saw these! I noticed they were selling this in garden centres now in the autumn, and essentially they are not much different to the normal aconites other than flowering a bit later with slightly bigger flowers. First time I’ve successfully grown them from dry tubers but planted them asap after purchase to prevent them dehydrating.

I soaked them for 12 hours too before planting in a loamy mix with added Hort grit to ensure they are not sitting in water. Aconites are tubers, and the tuber is mechanism of storing food to survive over the summer and autumn dormant months. They are what is often referred to as Spring Ephemerals (as are many woodland spring bulbs) taking the opportunity to grow when there is no leaf....

... canopy and dying back when it does appear untill the following spring 🤓 #aconite #eranthis #eranthis-hyemalis #eranthishyemaliscilicicagroup #winteraconite #eranthiscilicica #eranthishyemalis

Definitely Star Wars 🤗

😂😂that's the first thing I thought of too Rich👍🏻 @richard.spicer.7906

Lol 😂 💛💛

Bahahah looks like an eyeball coming out of the ground. Haven’t watched Star Wars. So giant eyeball it is. @richard.spicer.7906

😂😂 @alysha 👁👁👁👁

@lexicon 😂😂
This form of winter aconite flowers about three weeks later than the standard one. It also has this lovely bronze reddish tone on the stems. The blackbirds had already attacked some but these seem to be ok. #eranthis #eranthishyemaliscilicicagroup #eranthiscilicica #winteraconite
To be fair, it’s the first time I’ve seen it too. But it did feel exactly like that 🙄 these were in a pot for a few years and I finally planted them in the ground. Hopefully these will set seed 🤞🏼
Lovely combined colours making it stand out more, easier for Mr and Mrs B to spot!
Well exactly Elise! Fortunately they are still there this evening, and they seem to have been joined by some more too. Hoping they fully open and get pollinated so I can get seed to scatter around 🤞🏼 @Auricula