Foxtail Lily
Mid Spring 2016
- 21
Early Spring 2016
- 13
Early Autumn 2015
- 7
Early Autumn 2015
- 9
Early Autumn 2015
- 3
Early Autumn 2015
- 6
Early Autumn 2015
- 12

Mid Spring 2016
Early Spring 2016

Look what's coming through now @juliesgarden 😁. Unfortunately my other one started to come through and then the shoot appears to have rotted away, strange as I didn't even touch it and it's been fine all winter. Are there any foxtail lily growers out there that can advise if I've lost the plant completely or will the roots still be ok. I don't particular want to dig it up to see if there is a chance it's still alive.

Could it have been slugs as they have been dining on my crown imperial !! #howdarethey !

That's a shame. Hopefully it will be ok 👍

I didn't think of slugs actually as I hardly see many to think of them as a problem. But yes, a possibility @susiwoo 👍🏼

Ooh lucky you lol #Richard.spicer.7906

#advice #foxtaillily

Hope so @fuschia , but one out of two isn't bad 😀

Oh no Rich , that's a shame, maybe it might send out some new shoots🤔 , I can't believe you don't get many slugs and snails, I must have your share 😂😂😂 @richard.spicer.7906

Haha! @juliesgarden I think I probably do have loads, but they seem to not really touch the plants you'd think - I get so many birds and hedgehogs in that maybe it's enough to keep them under control. I've just cursed myself now haven't I 😒

Oh yes you have !!! @richard.spicer.7906

😂 I take it back - I have LOTS AND LOTS OF SNAILS AND SLUGS!!!! 😂😂 @juliesgarden

😂😂😂😂 @richard.spicer.7906
Early Autumn 2015

Carefully cover with soil, firm in place, water and label up. Ta dah! Now, hopefully this will give me a good display next year and a strong chance of survival. I've actually bought two roots of this variety and I've planted them 18 inches apart to give them plenty of room. Apparently they are not fans of being moved, but providing you pick a good initial spot in the sun you shouldn't need to do much more other than enjoy them! Fingers crossed for next year 😀

Fingers and toes crossed for you @richard.spicer.7906. Hope your hard work pays off 👍👍👍👍👌

This may help #advice @valjones-hughes @busybeex4 @annielanc - Step 5

Some tips from Monty on growing in pots too 😊👍🏼 @valjones-Hughes @busybeex4 @annielanc

Interesting video clip thank you. Hope I can pull it off. Never planted anything like that.

Thanks for this. Only just saw it!!

#eremurus #advice-eremurus
Early Autumn 2015

Place the root system delicately in the hole with the centre sitting on the raised mound. The long tentacles are actually very brittle, and can be easily damaged (as you can see I did have a little accident where one tip snapped). Spread the tips carefully and evenly out around the edge and ensure the ends are seated nicely on the grit.

How amazing! 😍

Looks like a strange octopus😂

Looks like it's from another planet 😊

Wierd isn't it Rob? They freaked me out at first cause the nursery I bought them from had them hanging on wires from the ceiling - I thought they were large spiders! 😂

This may help #advice @valjones-hughes @busybeex4 @annielanc - Step 4

Thank you so much. Never seen anything like it. I've reserved them already, hopefully I will be notified Autumn early winter. 🙃

#eremurus #advice-eremurus
Early Autumn 2015

Add some horticultural grit around the outside of the hole where the ends of the roots will sit. This will help improve drainage and prevent the roots from sitting in water during wet periods as these plants tend to be prone to rot. Ensure you maintain the soil mound in the centre.

This may help #advice @valjones-hughes @busybeex4 @annielanc - Step 3

#eremurus #advice-eremurus
Early Autumn 2015

First, dig a very wide hole about 4 inches shallow of the surface, to allow plenty of room for the wide spreading roots. To give you an idea of space needed, that root in the previous photo was about 14 inches wide 😳, but some species of Eremurus are smaller. Pick a site that is in full sun and will not get crowded by other growing plants. Make a soil mound in the middle of the hole for the centre of the root system to sit on, so that the growing centre ends up about 2 inches below the soil.

Sounds like they need lots of room. A bit complicated for me but looking forward to seeing the flowers 👍👍👍

This one definitely needs room (Eremurus robustus - the name gives it away really!) but you can get smaller species which have root systems much smaller. I bought another one called 'Cleopatra' which is only about 5-6 inches wide. I've been told that providing you give them the right start, they can be quite trouble free.

This may help #advice @valjones-hughes @busybeex4 @annielanc - Step 1

Doh! Step 2!!!!

#eremurus #advice-eremurus
Early Autumn 2015

Well I haven't been gardening in the garage tonight, but he's another one of my newbies planted on Tuesday. This amazing looking root is that of the Foxtail Lily - Eremurus robustus. I tried growing these before but didn't read up first. This time I've done my research 😉 I bought three different kinds - this one is a pink flowering variety, and can grow very tall (up to 3 metres) but it's mostly the flower stalks. It is essential that the leaves, which tend to be lower growing, get full sun

Oh my goodness it looks like an octopus ha ha ha 😂😂

It does a bit! 😂😂🐙 @fuschia

I thought that @fuschia 😂

I saw these in Cornwall in June and they are fantastic Richard , very spectacular 😯😯


I have tried without success.

@juliesgarden they are amazing to look at. I hope I can get them through winter ok 😐


The ones I planted were nothing like as big as that. Not got room in our new garden.

This may help #advice @valjones-hughes @busybeex4 @annielanc - Step 1

#eremurus #advice-eremurus
I have two foxtail lillies coming through, and this is the biggest one - Eremurus robustus - first time growing so quite excited to see what it turns out like
I have my first this year too.
Exciting @ashtonunderhillopengardens - I had planted three of this particular one but seem to have lost two, possibly from rot. Which one did you get?
Mine going great guns Rich , can't wait to see them 😬😬
I have a flower stalk forming on my smaller one Julie! So pleased as I know these can be tricky to grow. Can't wait to see yours too 🙌🏼❤️ @juliesgarden
Oh really , must have a closer look at mine , see if I can see one 👍👍
Absolutely love these @richard.spicer.7906 @juliesgarden but confess that the root form that they are delivered in really freaks me out! Lol I'm able to buy 3 at a reduced price but wondered if I planted the this year would they flower ?
I know they are weird alien looking, They might flower if the weather stays warm but they will be later I suspect @cazx 👍
I love those,are they easy to grow?
Yes, they are a bit freaky 😂 @cazx @juliesgarden - I suspect it may be better to avoid the reduced ones and wait for fresh stock later in the year. You can usually pick them up at garden centres or shows around Autumn time. They are a bit slow to get going. However you may be able to buy one in growth although it will be a little more expensive. The leaves need full sun so make sure they are not too shaded by other plants. give plenty of drainage and plant them very shallow on layer of gravel.
Hi @nikkitaylor67 - I've not much experience with these, but I do know they need full sun and mustn't get waterlogged. I've lost two unfortunately. The roots are also very delicate and any slight damage will cause mould to form so be gentle with them 😀👍🏼