Euphorbia pulcherrima
Early Winter 2023
- 13
Mid Winter 2020
- 11
Early Winter 2017
- 5
Mid Summer 2017
- 15
Mid Winter 2017
- 12

Euphorbia pulcherrima
Early Winter 2023
Mid Winter 2020

The poinsettia is still going... it must be just over three years now 😳🤭 I gave it a trim a couple of months ago so it’s a bit smaller now, it was getting quite leggy #poinsettia #euphorbia #euphorbia-pulcherrima #euphorbiapulcherrima #houseplant

Someone who’s not a poinsettia murderer Rachel, see they do exist @rachelbrooks 😂 x x x

Alright! Rub it in why doncha Claudey pops?! 😜😉 @clipperty And well done Rich, I didn’t realise they lasted more than a fortnight! 😂

I agree, the leaves all full off and I’m left with a pot of sticks 🙄

😂😂😂 @rachelbrooks @suerichards 😘😘😘

I’ve almost felt guilty about posting it cause I knew some of you wouldn’t like it! 😂😂 soz, I honestly don’t know how it does it, I’ve no secret - it just sits under the skylight and I water it every now and then 🤷🏼♂️ @clipperty @rachelbrooks @suerichards

Thanks Cyndi! Noticed it was rocking a bit so might need to repot it soon and make it a bit sturdier @cyndi

Lol! So everyone keeps telling me 😄 I think the roots might have been eaten a bit by the same fly larvae on the begonias. I was thinking I might downsize first to get the roots back up to size as I don’t want them to get too wet in this pot. But I won’t know until I lift it out the pot and see how bad/good it is already 👍🏼 @cyndi

Look great Rich. 😀

Thanks Sherri! It’s a miracle 😂 @sherrisgarden

Haha !! 😂
Early Winter 2017

So this is my Poinsettia - and I’ve used my coffee cup as a comparison to show its size! It’s in its second year now, although I didn’t attempt this year to make it go red so it will stay green for now. It’s done very well since repotting it at the beginning of summer. It lives away from air fluctuations (no open windows, no drafts) and is directly under a skylight. Just gave it a little feed this morning too #euphorbiapulcherrima #euphorbia #poinsettia #houseplant

That looks incredibly healthy. I’ve never managed to keep one going...

Extremely impressive!! 👍🏼👏🏼

Brilliant Rich , I always kill them ❤️👏👏👏

Mid Summer 2017

Does anyone else still have their Poinsettia? Mine's doing really well. Today I repotted it using a mix of John Innes no.3 and normal multi purpose compost, and mixed in some perlite. There's lots of healthy new growth showing 😀👍🏼 #poinsettia #euphorbia #euphorbiapulcherrima #houseplant #euphorbia-pulcherrima

No way that's amazing, mine died ages ago ! ☹️❤️

Mine barely made it past Christmas 😂😂😂

Wow I can't even keep mine going until Christmas yet alone after that's a Brilliant achievement Richard @richard.spicer.7906 👏👌

I can't quite believe it myself - I can't say I've done anything special to it either really. It's away from any heat source (no radiators) and sits right below a skylight @rosiebug @jadojado29

Oh well done Rich 👏👏, think mine was dead before new year 🤣🤣

Oh my goodness, if I get one at Christmas it's gone within a couple of weeks lol 😂😂

No such luck they turn up their toes very fast

I still have mine but it's nowhere near as nice as yours!

I have a poinsettia which is 4 years old!! Me and my other half thought we killed it earlier this year but we put it on the window ledge and it's coming back to life....I'll post a picture. What I've never managed to achieve is red leaves but I'm worried I'll definitely kill it if I put it in a dark room!!

Thanks everyone - I genuinely don't know what I did to keep it this long. But it's fun to keep trying! @juliesgarden @fuschia @kathy @city_girl @shivydevon! Gone within a couple of weeks! 🙈😬 well done though! Looks lovely and healthy! 👌🏼👏🏼
Mid Winter 2017

I'm on a roll now, photographing all the other plants in the house 😆. Who still has their Poinsettia? I don't know how I have as I've done nothing to it but it doesn't seem to be dying! #poinsettia #euphorbiapulcherrima #houseplant #euphorbia #euphorbia-pulcherrima

Yes still have mine. Challenge to see how long I can keep it alive.

I love them but they don't love me 🤣🤣

Mine lasted about a week 😂😂😂

I interesting do they not live for long @richard.spicer.7906 @Elise ? I still have mine that received as a gift from Christmas a month ago :)

Very impressive! ❤️ I murdered mine within a fortnight! 😬🙈
Still got mine Richard, think yours has the edge on mine though! 😊

I had mine for a couple years though I never tried for the red leaves again, but I let it freeze this year. :(

Every year my mother (102 years) & I get one as a present. Hers is still bright & colourful, mine last less than 2 weeks before the leaves all fall off. She neglects I care too much I'm told.

Looking good! (Does it now?).

Yep - still the same! No idea what I'm doing right 😮 @brightcolours

My local garden centre specialises in growing dahlias, and also poinsettias during the winter. They grow them in large glasshouses with covers on them to get the lighting requirements correct. Sadly, I’m not sure they sold many this winter, maybe people are cutting back due to cost of living, so they are all on sale and they had some beautiful plants. This was a ‘small’ one which was £4 after the sale, i just measured it to give you some scale - 80cm wide at it’s furthest, and 60cm tall 😳😳😳
I leave you to imagine the size of their ‘medium’ and ‘large’ plants 😆. It can replace the one I lost a couple of years ago, which I’d had for about three years I think #poinsettia #euphorbia #euphorbiapulcherrima #euphorbia-pulcherrima
That is a beauty and a real bargain
A real worry for Local Garden Centres, not many left these days😕. Awful having to sell off lovely plants that have taken hours of skill, care and attention to grow♥️
That’s a real beauty! ❤️
It was hard to choose Joan, they were all so healthy @joannie.a
It does feel sad Elise. Fingers crossed they managed ok with what they did sell. I was really hoping to pick up a bargain amaryllis bulb or two but they didn’t have them in the sale, so clearly not desperate to sell them 😆 @Auricula
It is ❤️ @jacaranda - hoping it will stay like that too, I’ve already turned the radiator off that’s near it so fingers crossed no chance of killing it just yet 😂
Eyes peeled Richard they may yet have some restrictions☺️
Such a beautiful plant Richard. Our nearby Garden Centre grow their own poinsettias and sell them to grocery stores and in the 2 centres they have. I must take a drive down to see if they have any left. They usually sell really well. ♥️♥️
Thank you Diane 🤗 yes, might be worth it as they may have a bargain too @hkyfvr
I may have been wrong, but what with plant prices these days there were some plants that seemed quite a lot. There were some plants on sale (pre sale) for over £20, which felt was a lot for a poinsettia, although lovely big plants @KOutdoors