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Profile Image Rich Spicer


St Albans based, career changer and studying Horticulture. Bulb addict, South African plant fan and converted succulent lover

Freesia laxa syn. Anomatheca laxa, Anomatheca cruenta, Lapeirouisa cruenta, Lapeirousia laxa

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2019
  • Like Count 38

20/05/2019 - cataloguing, actually had these for a year, but as with about another 200 or so plants I’ve never posted or uploaded a pic of them. I do love South African plants, and this was a gift from my tutor - They were previously known as Anomatheca laxa but were moved to the Freesia genus. This is the normal red flowering form, very small, around 10cm. Just repotting. They also seed freely as it is a species, so planted last years tiny red seeds in the mix too 😊


#freesia #freesia-laxa #falsefreesia
