Fritillaria imperialis 'Early Passion'
Crown Imperial 'Early Passion'
Late Winter 2021
- 8
Late Winter 2019
- 28
Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 11
Early Spring 2017
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 4
Late Autumn 2016
- 9

Fritillaria imperialis 'Early Passion'
Late Winter 2021
Late Winter 2019

16/03/19 - Fritillary Update - when this first emerged it didn’t know which direction to grow and it veered left, then right, straggled along the ground then shot upwards! And despite the wind it’s holding up very well now. This is the earliest I’ve ever seen it flower, definitely think it prefers being in the ground. Moved it from a pot to my bulb nursery bed last autumn. The others are coming up fast behind it #fritillaria #fritillary #fritillaria-imperialis #fritillariaimperialisearlypassion

I like this one as it has dark burgundy flower stalks #crownimperial #bulbnurserybed

Impressive, sounds very posh 😁

Beautiful 💛💛

Amazing colouring on the petals, never taken notice of that before xx


Beautiful Richard, does it have that crown imperial smell?

Wow! Yours is even further on than mine! Must be more tropical north of the Essex border! 😉💛

Mine are only just coming through yours are great hope mine are half as good🤗

So early. Was just looking back on the hashtag and they seem to be about 4 weeks earlier this year!

I planted Fritillary in pots and they never did well but loved being in the garden

Great shots, Richard!
Mid Spring 2018

Fritillaria imperialis ‘Early Passion’ - just scraped in at the beginning of April. Earlier flowering than the others #fritillary #fritillaria-imperialis #fritillaria #fritillariaimperialisearlypassion #crownimperial #bestofapril

Beautiful delicate markings
Early Spring 2018

The first one fully open, 'Early Passion' - definitely smaller than last year so possibly another bulb that is split into two, or it didn't get enough energy stored up last year. #fritillaria #fritillary #crownimperial #fritillaria-imperialis #fritillariaimperialisearlypassion


That's beautiful, can't wait for mine to flower @richard.spicer.7906

Mine smells horrible @richard.spicer.7906

That’s a shame, but pretty nonetheless 💛
Early Spring 2017

The markings on the flowers of Fritillaria imperialis 'Early Passion' are amazing, compared the other yellow forms 💛👌🏼 - combined with the almost black stems and the spread between each bloom. Not at all cluttered! #crownimperial #fritillaria-imperialis #fritillaria #fritillariaimperialisearlypassion #fritillary

Stun-Ning!! 💚💛💚💛

So pretty 💛💛💛

Morning Richard, they are lively😍

Stunning 🙌🙌🙌

Fabulous photo.

Gorgeous 💛

#yellowcrownimperial #yellowfritillaria


Love these, i want a big swathe like Monty Don has but will have to wait to get bulbs for the autumn now 🤔
Early Spring 2017

A few more days later as the stems get darker with the sun 👌🏼#crownimperial #fritillaria-imperialis #fritillaria #fritillariaimperialisearlypassion #fritillary

Love this , stunning 💛💛💛💛💚😍👍🏻


Very nice

Early Spring 2017

Morning 👋🏼😀 - thought I'd start today with some #fritillary updates. Last year I spent a bit of time hunting around for yellow flowering cultivar which had 'a bit of an edge' to it. Well I eventually chose this one, 'Early Passion', and I picked it because I wanted the darker, almost black stems as a contrast. The normal Lutea variety just has green stems and not sure I'm as much a fan of it compared to the red varieties. And now that it's flowered I can honestly say it's a beauty! 😍💛👌🏼

#crownimperial #fritillaria-imperialis #fritillaria #fritillariaimperialisearlypassion


They look great Richard! It's the first year I've grown crown imperials and I've been very impressed with them! Will have to look out for this variety!
Late Autumn 2016

Fritillaria 'Early Passion' #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-imperialis #crownimperial #fritillariaimperialisearlypassion

Most Fritillaria should be planted on their side to prevent loss due to rotting. Each bulb has a cavity on the top side which can collect with water and if hangs around will start to cause rot. On their sides, the water has less chance to stay around. Doesn't harm to plant on a bed of grit too. The shoots will easily adjust as they develop 👍🏼

I can't remember how I've planted mine, so I hope they come up ok! 😬

My tulip bulbs are started to rotten, is any idea to save those? I seeded first time, so don't know much about bulbs care, kindly help me.

Fingers crossed Rachel they will be ok 😬 - I'm sure you'll get a fab display. What ones did you get in the end? @rachelbrooks

Haha, yes they probably good at repelling a few things - even the neighbours! They are known to have a bit of a odour when they start to poke through the soil. But tends to disappear before they start flowering in my experience. I can put up with the smell, but for many it puts them off growing them. @gjones

@ankur1406 - oh dear, that's not good 😱 - if they are out of the ground too long in cold damp conditions this can cause rot - when did you buy them - recently or some time ago? It might be worth giving up on them and just saving the ones that look ago. Can you purchase fresh bulbs?

I have the Meleagra (sp?) the snakes head 🐍 ones 👍🏼

I purchased fresh bulbs. Temperature is 20°C to 30°C here. In coming months it will go down definitely.
These are much shorter this year, not sure why 🤔 but think I’m going to move them this year. 'Early Passion' is usually my first Crown Imperial to flower for the season #fritillaria #fritillariaimperialis #fritillaria-imperialis #fritillariaimperialisearlypassion #crownimperial
That’s a beauty! Can’t stand the smell of them sadly
Yes, they are quite pongy! 😷 @joanboston
@richard.spicer.7906........ Morning Richard...... this is a beauty ....... and a wonderful photo.......... Enjoy your week .
Gave up on these as they never came back for a second year inspite of all the instructions I followed even from specialist grower at Harrogate. Shame because they are so spectacular.
Thanks John, sorry for only just replying. Hope you’ve been well, well wishes from here in St Albans - looking forward to the heatwave we have next week! @johninbrighton
Oh that’s a shame Joan 😢 - What type of conditions did you have them in? Mine have been in various spots now round the garden, still trying to figure out where the best place is for them but admittedly I have lost a couple of the years but most have survived @joannie.a
@richard.spicer.7906 I have tried them in 3 different gardens, 2 mine and my grandson's which is on the coast and therefore milder winters, and also in different places in my garden just never had any success so gave up.