Fritillaria persica 'Adiyaman'
Persian Fritillary
Late Winter 2021
- 9
Late Winter 2019
- 21
Early Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 5
Late Winter 2017
- 10
Mid Spring 2016
- 19
Early Spring 2016
- 44
Early Spring 2016
- 7
Early Spring 2016
- 22
Early Spring 2016
- 2
Late Winter 2016
- 12
Mid Autumn 2015
- 4

Fritillaria persica 'Adiyaman'
Late Winter 2021
Late Winter 2019

20/02/19 - Project Update - this photo is a few weeks old now, but relevant now as Fritillaria will soon be starting to break through the soil. I’ve had a clump of Fritillaria persica for about 3/4 years now and last year it didn’t flower as the 3 bulbs I originally purchased finally split. This means they need to grow on a little bit before they reach flowering size again, and as they are large bulbs I took the opportunity to lift and space them out a bit to optimise this year’s growth. #friti

I was quite surprised that each had actually split into three/four new bulbs, so now I have ten 😁. These were replanted in my new bulb nursery raised bed outside the polytunnel so hoping they grow well this year, maybe a flower or two 🤞🏼. This project is separate to my other project on the same plant where I’m trying to propagate by using scales in baggies (see previous pic - I bought separate bulbs for that experiment) #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #fritillariapersica #persianfritillary

I’m also curious if I’ll see any stem fasciation this year - this is a disorder which can be caused by various factors although it will always be a non-living (abiotic) factor such as environmental conditions, genetics, or physical damage in the apical meristems, which are the areas of the stem containing cells which are dividing actively. Any light weeding around new growth tips can damage those areas causing abnormal fasciated growth, where some plants are more prone to it than others 👍🏼

#persianfritillary-tips #fritillaria-persica-tips #fritillariapersica-tips

Don't you just love it when your bulbs split and multiply 😀 I've counted my iris reticulata Harmony today because they aren't producing flowerbuds, and I'm up from 8 bulbs to 15. 😆👍 That's 7 new bulbs since I planted them 3/4 years ago (although I suspect there were more than 7 because one year I moved Harmony and I lost some bulbs along the way).

Thxs for sharing all this great information 😊💕

I agree with @terrimclaughlin @richard.spicer.7906 Richard, why is it quite a few of my bulbs last year ( even newly planted bulbs) come up all green but no flowers. I leave the foliage on till they die back, and new bulbs I plant them deep enough with slug pellets in the whole, and I feed. So help please 🙏🏻.

It might be the feed Sue ☺ New bulbs don't really need feeding as they already have everything they need to flower and feeding them might promote leaf growth at the expense of flowers. Some of the bulbs I planted last year which I fed at the same time ended up leggy with nice big leaves but had tiny flowers. So now I opt for feeding bulbs after flowering but Rich has another regimen with tomato feed. @suerichards

Thank you @ublaszko 👍

I think it greatly depends on which bulbs you have Sue - sometimes it’s just in wrong place, so no matter how long you wait it just won’t flower. Other times it’s because they are crowded and too close together (daffs typically get narcissus blindness after some time and benefit from being divided). Sometimes it might be because they’ve been planted too deeply. Which bulbs is it that you’ve had problems with Sue? @suerichards

@richard.spicer.7906 thanks Richard. it’s mostly the tulips. Could it be that I top dress the soil with compost each year and every second or third year I put bark down, so they are too deep.

Think it depends Urszula on bulb again - most bulbs produce their flowering bud the previous season so even for a new bulb I would still consider whether it is beneficial to feed. Some I don’t think have any need for it as they are prolific and don’t need additional feed, whereas for others like hippeastrum, velthemia, and most spring bulbs grown in pots I would feed as nutrients easily leached from pots. Also depends on growing medium used, i very rarely use only compost on its own @ublaszko
Early Autumn 2018

And another experiment - bulb scaling, done easily on scaly bulbs like Fritillaria and Lilium bulbs. I’ve broken off individual scales with a small piece of basal plate attached to each, and just throw them in a bag with propagating medium. The bags are the same with the exception of the medium - the one on left is 50/50 peat and perlite and bag on right is 50/50 peat and gravel. I’ll shove these in the cupboard too 👍🏼😄

#bulb #bulb-propagation #bulb-scaling #Fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #fritillariapersica

You must have a big cupboard 😊😂 I love experiments like this! So exciting if it works!

😄😂 - I might have to spread out to the airing cupboard too! @bluefox23
Early Spring 2018

Better closeup of the stem 'Fasciation' - the stem becomes more flattened/thicker, like it's been pressed with a rolling pin. The end of the stem where the bud should be ends up very mutated and flat. A number of plants are prone to this, euphorbia being one. Some forms of fasciation can be exploited as attractive qualities (I think in certain cacti/succulents). It's not a disease, rather a disorder. The cause here is prob either damage to cells either through cold or microbe

#plantdisorder #fasciation #persianfritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #fritillary - You can read more here - 🤓📚

It has many more leaves per stem too!

Such a pretty dense foliage shot.
Early Spring 2018

I think these bulbs split last year on my Persian Fritillary, it’s got lots of thinner stems/foliage and no buds. It’s a shame for this year as it has no flowers by the looks of it, but it’s reproducing, so hopefully the younger bulblets will grow further and will be flowering size by next year 🤞🏼. I also noticed one of the stems had some ‘Fasciation’ - which is a disorder which can cause stems of certain plants to become mishaped - hoping it is a one off caused by the extreme cold in March

#persianfritillary #fritillaria-persica #fritillary #fritillaria

I’ll try getting a close up of the Fasciated stem 👍🏼

Sorry that you’re not going to get flowers this year but isn’t fasciation fascinating 😉

Oh yeah, I have the same thing going on, double the stems no bud. Could it be a reaction to the colder weather we've had as well?

They've probably produced "bulbets" which is the reason for the small stems. Best bet is to dig up and divide after they've finished so the baby bulbs bulk out ready for next year. All Lily's do the same, no matter what variety 😊
Early Spring 2018

The return of this beautiful beast 😊 - with more shoots than ever #fritillaria-persica #fritillaria #persianfritillary #fritillary


Oh these are really lovely!

This is one that I struggle with constantly! 😣

I planted some of these last autumn but no sign of then yet. Fingers crossed they will appear soon.
Early Spring 2017

Only one flower this year on my clump of #persianfritillary - quite a bit of foliage though so hoping the bulbs have just split and need a year break. The silvery green foliage colour and the wine coloured flower combination is a really good look in the border 👌🏼 #fritillaria-persica #fritillary #fritillaria

Gorgeous plant.......and photo capture! 😁

I fought a lily beetle on mine chomping away at the flower head...don't think it's going to flower now 😞 but yours is fab 👌🏻

That's lovely Richard🤗

Love that Rich 😍
Late Winter 2017

The silvery-green foliage of #fritillaria-persica also making a welcoming return - this is one of my favourite #fritillary 😊 has wine coloured flower spikes 👌🏼 #fritillaria #persianfritillary #bulbs

This is my favourite too Richard👍 the colour is stunning 💜

I love the way the leaves are wrapped around each other 😊

Gorgeous Richard, mine are just breaking the surface.

Look at how those leaves grow, amazing

They will be lovely Richard. 💜💜

I remember when I bought it @icedance that I was thinking I would be lucky to see it as I had heard they rot easily. Planted the bulbs on their sides and fortunately they have done well. I'm hoping they don't torment me and just throw up this busy foliage and no flowers 😑

They really hug themselves tightly @Baxtersmum - when they are fully open it's hard to imagine how compact they were! 😀

You are lucky Richard obvious green fingers 👍, looking at yours I feel you are on for some flowers for sure 🙂

They are amazing, can't wait to see your pictures when they're flowering 😉
Mid Spring 2016

Fritillaria persica - still putting on a show with its claret coloured flowers #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #persianfritillary

Oh I love this,never seen it before

Like that Rich!

Like that Rich!

That is exquisite Richard. My ivory bells is very plain in comparison. @richard.spicer.7906

I do love these are they easy to look after and is is it hardy

Fancy 😍

Love these

Look red inside with the light through them👌🏻

Really pretty Rich 👍


Aw this is amazing 👍👍
Early Spring 2016

Fritillaria persica 😊❤️ #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #persianfritillary

Fancy 💁 😍

I'm jealous! I planted a bulb of this a couple of years ago. A feeble little shoot appeared last year and no sign of it this year 😕

That is definitely a very nice #fritillaria 💕

@richard.spicer.7906 Just love this fritillary, it looks so dark and velvety!
Beautifully elegant

Love this Rich 😍😍

WOW........stunning picture.

Ooh that's different 🕵🏻 nice colour 👌 @richard.spicer.7906

Now that is something ❤️❤️

Wow stunningly beautiful

Early Spring 2016

So pleased with this one, it's got to be one of my favourites now, especially with the silver green #foliage #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #persianfritillary

Mines still thinking about it!

Great contrasts

Beautiful - on the list for my new garden.

Absolutely want this plant in my garden it's stunning I'm going to see if I can get from my local nurseries 🐱

You might have more luck purchasing this online, but a well stocked nursery may also offer. Bulbs though won't be available till Autumn. I'll tag you in another post with a weblink 👍🏼 @alank @faygirl53

Brilliant thanks
Early Spring 2016

Love the #foliage though, and the flower buds are forming already. This could be in full flower in a week or so! #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #persianfritillary


Looks interesting - keep us posted please?😀

Very nice, lovely contrast when the flowers open up

Love the look of this 👍🤓


Thats real nice even before it flowers 👍🏻

Another one of your plants been working out at the gym 🙈😂👍

Of course @lyndag - my first year of growing this so keen myself to see what it looks like 😁

Lol! I think my plants have been having too much feed 😂 @lamaisonbleueoleron

That's what I thought too @krishnahairdo

I better make sure I remember to stake it, don't want any winds to blow it over and ruin them 😳 @kathy @debs69 @latebloomer @justin
Early Spring 2016

It's back to work today ('Booooo') but a shorter week. Noticed this wkd that these Fritillaries are powering ahead since breaking through the soil. Good job I gave them some space 😳 #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #persianfritillary

Liking the #foliage and colour 👍😊👌
Late Winter 2016

😳.... I think it's a triffid breaking through 👊🏼💪🏼🌱 #newgrowth #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #persianfritillary

That's a whopper 👍

Another good pic.

@debs69 just wondering where the other two bulbs will pop up 🤔 hopefully not too close.

That's a strong and determined plant😳

Thanks Katie 😁 @brightcolours



Ohh so it does 😂😂😂

Ooh exciting 👍👍👍

@kathy - I don't think anything is going to stop this one getting through 😂

#macro 😀
Mid Autumn 2015

The last Fritillaria in my collection. Quite different from a Crown Imperial - this one has smaller purple bell shaped flowers. Planted 27th October. 👌🏼 #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-persica #persianfritillary #bulb

I planted one of these last autumn. It produced leaves but no flowers, I hope you have more luck with yours.

Hopefully @tiggrx , maybe yours will flower too next spring? 😊

So.... for the umpteenth year in a row, these have failed to flower. I know they won’t progress any further as the flower buds are blind (those tiny white dots will never develop into anything), however I have recently read an article where it has been suggested these need summer dryness and heat, so once they have dies back I’m going to lift them and pop them under the staging in the polytunnel, they can roast in there all summer! 🤨🔥
Not sure if mine are going to flower🤔thanks for the advice Richard. Under the bench in the greenhouse it is😂
I gave up on mine Richard.
I was going to do the same, but I’m determined to crack their code!! (Well for one last year 😆) @sieveheadsarah
No probs. Apparently they need to be at least 37C in the summer to help the flower buds form, so seeing as my polytunnel gets at least this hot usually I will give it a go. I guess this is how they flower in the wild in the Middle East @joanboston
Fingers crossed for their summer break in the hot hot heat Richard and for flowers next year 👍🏼😃
Thank you for making me feel less of a failure, it’s not just me then. 🙂
Yes! Def not you Ulrika - I just think these need incredibly specific conditions to repeat flower @ulrikagustafsson - even where I work they have trouble getting them to flower again!
It’s good to know that experts fail sometimes too.😊