Galanthus plicatus 'Wendy's Gold'
Snowdrop 'Wendy's Gold'
Mid Winter 2023
- 18
Mid Winter 2020
- 19
Mid Winter 2019
- 11
Mid Winter 2018
- 24
Mid Winter 2018
- 3

Galanthus plicatus 'Wendy's Gold'
Mid Winter 2023
Mid Winter 2020

Very happy that Wendy’s Gold has clumped up. I lost it a couple of years ago and had to buy a replacement. There must be a few bulbs in that clump now #galanthus #galanthusplicatuswendysgold #snowdrop #snowdrops

Perfectly named! 💚💛🤍

Love these 💚💛💚

Snowdrop envy Richard, @richard.spicer.7906 - I want a yellow one

They are beautiful 🤩🤩

It’s a great name isn’t it Kerry? 😄 I spent ages trying to find a bulb as it’s a lovely yellow. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I like it @kez001uk

Thanks John! Yes, quite different to the green ones 😄 @ukjohnny

Thanks Jane, there’s a couple of other yellow ones in the bed, not quite up yet but on their way 💛💚🤍 @pelly

Thanks Sue! 😊 This is my favourite yellow in my little bed. I’ve a couple of others but Wendy’s gold is lovely. There a few yellow ones around now available but this was in my price range! Although it still cost me £25 for one bulb! 😂 @churchfarmgarden

Thank you Sue! 😄 the snowdrop bed has really come on well this year thank goodness. My little investment is growing well 😊 @suerichards

Certainly an eye catcher Richard @richard.spicer.7906 , I really must do something about it this year.

@richard.spicer.7906 definitely worth the search, as are all your unusual bulbs. I just saw it cost you £25 though 😱
Mid Winter 2019

18/02/19 - Snowdrop Update - Galanthus ‘Wendy’s Gold’ just about to open soon, probably would have been today if it weren’t raining ☔️😉 . This has a yellowish green ovary with the same colour markings. It’s a little shy right now so will post another pic when fully open #galanthus #galanthus-plicatus #galanthusplicatuswendysgold #snowdrop #snowdropbed

I can see where it gets its name from, I am looking forward to seeing this when it's open 💛💛

I agree withJane . Keep us posted 👍

That’s a beauty Rich 💛

Oh cute 💛

Hopefully will be open now, but not gonna be able to get a pic till Thursday now. Will keep you posted @pelly

Definitely Sue - will post an advocate pic later this week 👍🏼 @suerichards

Thanks Hayley 😊 @hayleyaj

😊👍🏼 @juliesgarden

Such a pretty one xx

It really is! I’ve a couple of other yellow ones, one of them quite similar but shorter. Starting to get the hang a little of telling them apart 🤓 @clipperty
Mid Winter 2018

I think this is my favourite one at the moment 💛 #galanthus #snowdrops #galanthusplicatuswendysgold

Ooh a little Midas touch 👌🏼✨

Oh very pretty Rich 💛

Gorgeous 😍

Amazing Freshness

It’s beautiful ⭐️⭐️

Thanks for sharing your snowdrops with us, Rich. So many beauties it’s hard to choose a favourite but I think mine is this one as it’s delicate and unusual. 😍 @richard.spicer.7906

Beautiful photo.

🌺looks so delicate Rich.. lovely

Wonderful snowdrops Richard @richard.spicer.7906 I couldn’t pick a favourite out of all of them Love them all 😍

Aw, thanks Suzie, I agree with you there, they are all wonderful 🙏🏼😊 @jadojado29

Thanks Joan, they are dainty little things aren’t they 😀 @Joan323
Mid Winter 2018

Finally got a clump of gold 😀 - Galanthus plicatus ‘Wendy’s Gold’ - yellow snowdrop with yellow ovary and inner yellow markings 👌🏼 #galanthus #snowdrops #galanthusplicatuswendysgold

Honey Dew Soft

I’m so pleased Cyndi - second time trying with these. Had a bulb previously and it died two summers ago so this was a replacement last spring 😀 @cyndi
Excuse the ladder in the background! Snowdrop 'Wendy’s Gold' 💛 starting to flower now. Really must get them planted this year. #snowdrop #snowdrops #galanthus #galanthus-plicatus #galanthusplicatuswendysgold
Oh they’re lovely 😊
They’re lovely 😍
So lovely to see these blooming 😄
Makes you hope spring is coming.
Beautiful!! 🤍💚🤍
Wendy looking golden🤍💚
I was going to say I’ve never seen yellow on my snowdrops. Must be that’s why they are “gold”? 🌞
😊 I do love the yellow ones but they are quite expensive. This is one of the cheaper ones. One bulb is usually between $25-$30! I reckon I’ve probably got about at least $300 worth of bulbs here! @sunlovin
She’s clumped up very well these last couple of years. They are practically bursting out of that little pot now 😆 @Auricula
Thank you Cherie, I do love a snowdrop! Bit of an addict #galanthophile 😄 @cheriej
Certainly does, no going back now. Next will be the crocus, then the daffs and then the tulips! @charlotte