Gladiolus splendens
Gladioli (Species) Field Gladiolus
Early Spring 2022
- 17
Late Winter 2021
- 6
Early Spring 2020
- 10
Mid Spring 2019
- 20
Early Winter 2018
- 14
Late Summer 2017
- 1

Gladiolus splendens
Early Spring 2022
Late Winter 2021

Excited to see not one, but two flower stalks on one of my winter growing gladioli (the other one is out of shot slightly) - they are bright red and look nothing like the modern summer hybrids, scroll left to see last years photo of the flowers #Gladiolus #gladioli #gladiolus-splendens #fieldgladiolus #wintergladiolus #gladiolispecies #wintersouthafricanbulbs

Wow they are lovely ☺️

They’re lovely Richard, someone else posted a yellow one on here today, it was so pretty 😀

Yes I saw that too, gladiolus tristis. Mine haven’t flowered this year but they are on the edge near the path in the tunnel and I keep bashing them so it’s not surprising. Hoping to protect them better next year. @sieveheadsarah

Thanks Sharon, should look spectacular if they both open at the same time @sharonhayden 🤞🏼

I do love a Glad Richard, but these Species ones are so pretty, I’ll defo be adding them next year.
Early Spring 2020

#happinessis watching the fruits of your labour come to life.... ❤️ not your everyday #Gladiolus #gladioli #gladiolus-splendens #fieldgladiolus #wintergladiolus #gladiolispecies #wintersouthafricanbulbs

Wow that's very unusual! Love this one 😊😊♥️♥️

Thanks Christine 😊, yes it is rather exotic - been lucky that the winters have been mild as it’s been in the polytunnel all winter. Think it’s fine as long as it doesn’t get below -3/4C for too long, and keep it in lightly damp soil. I’ll stop watering it soon as this type of gladioli goes dormant over summer, mustn’t even get rain so will sit on the polytunnel floor till August when I’ll start watering again @midnightgardener

That's stunning Rich ❤❤❤

Wow😍 it's stunning


That’s a beauty ❤️

How unusual, it’s beautiful 😍

@richard.spicer.7906 ....... Morning Richard ....... This is a beautiful picture..... at first I thought it was a type of Salvia until I read your description...... Send my love to St. Albans...... Have a wonderful Easter Day .

Thanks everyone 😊 - you certainly would be forgiven for thinking it was something else John @johninbrighton , many Gladiolus species look very different to the normal hybrids. I have some other unusual ones but the bulbs are not yet flowering size. Fingers crossed for next year. And yes, couldn’t agree with you more John 👍🏼 @ukjohnny @pelly @queruqui @akshat @lovemygarden65 @cyndi @suerichards
Mid Spring 2019

05/05/19 - my current pride and joy of my winter Gladiolus collection, and it’s finally flowering 😍❤️ - in the polytunnel it’s been much easier to monitor watering, feeding and of course frost protection and the one bulb I have is now looking stunning 👌🏼 - it opened about two weeks ago. When the foliage and flowers eventually die down in a month or so it will go dormant and I’ll keep it completely dry for summer

#Gladiolus #gladioli #gladiolus-splendens #fieldgladiolus #wintergladiolus #gladiolispecies #wintersouthafricanbulbs

Now that’s gorgeous! So delicate ❤️❤️❤️

Absolutely beautiful photo 😍 I planted some almost black ones this year and I wait with excited anticipation 😊🤞

Beautiful tiny ones!

Fantastic photo ❤️❤️❤️

I can see why. It’s beautiful 😍

Good morning Richard..............It's easy to see why you love this plant so's first I thought is was a Salvia............Have a good Bank Holiday.......a part of me will always be in St. Albans...........good vibes from Brighton.

Good morning Richard little stunner looks so delicate 🤗

Thanks Hayley! The stem is so thin it’s extremely delicate, I’ve been trying to protect it from snapping 🤭 @hayleyaj

😊🙏🏼 @cyndi

Oh they sound very nice Kathryn, can’t wait to see those too! @katgreen
Early Winter 2018

Morning all 👋🏼 - this South African Gladioli species is shooting up fast 😄. Been doing a little last minute checkup in poly before I go to Southend for Xmas to see my Mum and Dad 😊🎄. This is a winter growing species, and naturally grows during the cooler winters when then rainfall returns in SA and will have its flowering in early spring. It will then remain dormant and die back before summer where I’ll need to keep it completely dry till September again.

They are not fully hardy but seems to be fine down to odd overnight temps where the thermometer has recorded -1 and -2 a couple of times over the last month. Might have to protect it if the temp stays in the minus figures for more than a couple of nights.

This is actually a new bulb as the one I bought last year died from the Beast of the East - which you will recall was sustained minus temps of over a week I think, even the daytime temps, poor thing just froze 🥶🥶 #gladiolus #wintergladiolus #gladiolus-splendens #gladiolispecies

Have a Merry Christmas with your mom and dad !!

Have a fab Christmas Rich 🎄😍🎄

Have a lovely Christmas with your family. 🎄🎄🎄

Happy Christmas Rich, enjoy 🎅🎄

Ooh pop in for a Baileys on your way past! 😉

Thanks Sherri! Hope you have a lovely Christmas too 😊🎄 @sherrisgarden

Thanks Julie 😊 , hope you have a fab Christmas too 🎄 @juliesgarden

Thanks Sue, hope you have a lovely one too 🎄😊 @lilybee

Thanks Jane, have a fab one too 😊🎄 @pelly
Late Summer 2017

Fortunately I washed my hands after this last one 😂 - #gladiolispecies #gladiolus #bulb #gladiolus-splendens
Gladiolus splendens also flowering quite freely. I’ve realised these don’t quite fit under the succulent benches planted in the ground underneath in polytunnel - just too tall so I’ve had to lean them out the side of the bench. I might take the bench off next year as reluctant to move the glads as they are doing so much better in the ground under cover.
Note - these are not summer Gladioli. They are winter growing, emerging in late Sept/Oct, growing over winter and flowering in spring. They then die back in late May and stay dormant over summer.
Beautiful, more delicate than summer ones
These are beautiful Richard, I keep meaning to give them a try.
I’m assuming they have to be grown under cover as opposed to in the open garden? 🤔🥰
Yes you’re right Joan, quite an amazing flower and very unlike the hybrid summer gladioli @joanboston
Thanks Sarah - think these are my favourite of the ones I have. Can see if I can get seed for you this year, or even given they multiply quite readily I could see if I have a spare couple of corms. @sieveheadsarah
Yes, that’s right. I’ve sometimes struggled with them in pots too undercover (lost one batch a few years ago to beast from the east) but they seem a little more tolerant (and prob more protected) in the raised beds on the ground in tunnel. Think they can go as low as -5C, although that’s quite rare in St Albans. When it’s very cold i stop watering for a while @jacaranda
@richard.spicer.7906 .... Wonderful colour Richard......... Never seen these before .
Ooh that would be fab Richard, thank you 😊. Those pale yellow scabious I grew from the seeds you sent me are all doing well, all have stayed green over winter, ca t wait for them to flower.
I have never seen the wild type before! #greatcolor
These are beautiful Rich ❤️