Hedera helix
English Ivy
Mid Winter 2018
- 2
Late Autumn 2016
- 1
Mid Winter 2016
- 6
Late Summer 2015
- 3
Late Summer 2015
- 7
Late Summer 2015
- 2

Hedera helix
Mid Winter 2018
Late Autumn 2016

The fruiting bodies of Ivy growing in my wild patch, on a better sunny #autumn day 😊 #hedera
Mid Winter 2016

#berries all over the ivy, which climbs up the cherry tree #hedera

Great picture

Lovely shot 😎

Thanks Christine 😀👍🏼 @christineb

Ta Debs 🤓🙏🏼 @debs69

Brill 👍👍
Late Summer 2015

Even the Ivy is starting to flower... #hedera

I didn't know it flowered! Saw those flower spike in a hedgerow and wondered what they were! 😳 @richard.spicer.7906

I know Debs, I had the same thought too. I don't think they look all that but they do turn into berries I think @debs69
Late Summer 2015

...and it may not be to everyone's liking but I know I will probably keep most of it to provide shelter for thousands of bugs, frogs, newts and other wildlife that I find regularly, creating the perfect balanced garden 😊 #ivy #hedera

Trouble is rats like it too !

I have a lot of ivy in my garden, struggle to keep it under control!

Hate it! I spend too much time and energy trying to stop next door's ivy taking over my garden!😡😤

If it ventures into the main garden, then I'll definitely remove it. This is in the woodland part. I hope there aren't any rats in mine @joanboston otherwise I may reconsider. Used to have that problem years ago with my compost heap, had to stop putting food scraps in it in the end and rely just on plant matter as found they were pulling the veg peelings out and running round the garden with it!

Yes we had problems in our old garden. They laid young in our compost heap! Nice and warm I suppose. Haven't seen any here thankfully, but do see mice occasionally.

We have ivy on part of our garden fence and the sheep in the field trim the top and we have a wren nesting in it each year
Late Summer 2015

This pretty much covers 50% of the bottom half of my garden - on the floor, under the hedges, up the shed (in fact I think it's the only thing keeping it standing!) #ivy #hedera

We have it in abundance in our hedge
Just realised, as controversial as it is right now with my Cherry Tree debate, this is still a #uknative , although also to many other European countries #hedera #hederahelix #englishivy - only when the stems mature do they stop producing juvenile foliage and instead develop adult foliage, then bear flowers and fruits.
Thats really interesting for me rich , ive got this in my front garden covered in berries. The pigeons love them.