Helenium puberulum 'Autumn Lollipop'
Sneezweed 'Autumn Lollipop'
Mid Summer 2020
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 13
Early Winter 2017
- 6

Helenium puberulum 'Autumn Lollipop'
Mid Summer 2020
Early Summer 2018

I think this is a leaf-cutter bee (Megachile spp.), it’s underside was completely yellow, and was covered in pollen. It was moving across the flower differently to other bees #helenium #helenium-puberulum #heleniumpuberulumautumnlollipop #beefriendly #bee #leafcutterbee #megachile #sneezeweed
Early Summer 2018

Early season Sneezeweed, this one has very small flowers, almost like little petticoats really, but also seems to attract lots of pollinators #helenium #sneezeweed #beefriendly #helenium-puberulum #heleniumpuberulumautumnlollipop

They’re so cute 😍

I thought so too Kerry. Takes a while to appreciate as on their own a couple of flowers doesn’t look all that special but as it gets bigger you start to appreciate it 😊 @kez001uk

@richard.spicer.7906 they really do look lovely en masse 💛 you’ve got so many plants I’ve never even heard of, learning a great deal from your feed ☺️ doesn’t hurt that you take a good photo too 😉
Mid Summer 2017

These are not big, they are quite tiny. But there are lots of them in bud 😬 - this is one fully open #helenium #helenium-puberulum #heleniumpuberulumautumnlollipop #sneezeweed

Morning Richard beautiful picture 👌💛💛

Like the colour combination and an apt name for it today

Lovely 😊

Beautiful! And just the best name!! 🤣🤣

Fabbo!! #bestofjuly #yellowflowers #julyblooms

Very pretty does it make you sneeze then ? 💛💚😊👍🏻

Oh how sweet (excuse the pun ) . Do they grow very tall? I love it 💛💛💛

Morning Rich great pic love those very cute 💛💛💛

I've loads of helenium about to pop. It's like an orchestra waiting to come in Can't wait to see the full blown concert of flowers

How cute 💛💛

They're so cute
Early Winter 2017

Picked this Helenium up in the autumn but didn't get round to planting it yet. It's still putting out #newgrowth even in the cold months #helenium #helenium-puberulum #heleniumpuberulumautumnlollipop #sneezeweed

Helenium and heuchara are my favourite plants

My grass is still growing Rich 🤔🤔

I just bought Helenium 'Butterpat'. It's going to be a long 9 months or so until I see it flower. Not quite as much growth on it as this - it was almost frozen solid, but crucially half price 🤑

How does it look now @richard.spicer.7906

Got some little buds on mine now @richard.spicer.7906
@sieveheadsarah - it produces loads of flowers though. They would look better close up but wanted to show you the volume and number - if you scroll to earlier pics I’ve done previous zoomed in pics.
Oh wow, it’s huge Richard, I need to be careful where I’ll plant it 🤨👍🏼 I love the close up pics, it’s such an unusual flower that I can’t wait to grow. Thanks for taking the pic 😀😀
No probs 👍🏼, I also always give it a chelsea chop, seems to help it fill out very well @sieveheadsarah