Hippeastrum papilio
Hippeastrum (Species) Butterfly Amaryllis
Mid Winter 2023
- 43
Mid Winter 2021
- 27
Mid Spring 2018
- 3

Hippeastrum papilio
Mid Winter 2023
Mid Winter 2021

Oh hello 👋🏼 didn’t know you were flowering! First time since I bought it in 2018. It’s hidden upstairs and I’d forgotten all about it... #hippeastrum #hippeastrumpapilio #hippeastrum-papilio #butterflyhippeastrum #butterflyamaryllis

Wow, it’s a beauty Richard

I love the markings on it Sarah. It’s strangely quite narrow too. You’d think I had squashed the photo but it really is a very narrow flower. I wonder if it still needs a few days to open fully 🤔 @sieveheadsarah

There are quite a few different types Richard, some with really narrow petals, I really like the one called Sumatra, well all the narrow ones to be honest. https://www.easytogrowbulbs.com/collections/amaryllis?page=1

Beautiful 💕

@richard.spicer.7906 ...... Spectacular flower Richard ...... Love it.

Oooh lovely 😍

How beautiful is that 💚💗💚

So beautiful Rich 👌😯


Wow the colours are beautiful Richard🤗

Wow I’ve been looking at this one on line it’s absolutely stunning 😍👌🏼🥰
Mid Spring 2018

Adding to plant list - Hippeastrum papilio, species. Another bulb 😆 - not sure if this one is evergreen and when it will flower. Most of the ones I’m familiar with flower indoors over winter but this one might be different. I really should have read up a bit before I clicked the ‘buy’ button 😉🤣 #hippeastrum #hippeastrum-papilio #hippeastrumpapilio #butterflyhippeastrum #butterflyamaryllis

These are gorgeous

You will love it. So pretty.
I’m not sure what happened to this for the last 18 months, but it lost all its leaves in summer 2021 and it didn’t grow back at all last year. But the bulb was still firm. It turns out I wasn’t watering it frequently enough (well, forgetting to water it!) so I think it went dormant. So I decided to water properly with reminders since December and now it’s thrown out loads of leaves and a flower stem 😄
#hippeastrum #hippeastrumpapilio #hippeastrum-papilio #butterflyamaryllis #butterflyhippeastrum
That’s lovely Rich.. i seem to have a problem getting these to reflower every time i get one 🙄
Oooh. Gorgeous.
Thanks Julie 😊 I think it’s because I hide them indoors once they’ve flowered and then I forget about them. Clearly I need to pay more attention to them! @juliesgarden
Thanks Susan! Quite a remarkable pattern 😄 They have very large, but narrow, flowers which makes them look odd at first as it looks like the flower has been squashed in the sides when you compare it to a normal Hippeastrum. But maybe they look different if grown outside. @novicegardenlover
Oh my, she’s gorgeous 😍
Thanks Jane, I’m just pleased it’s forgiven me and came back to life 😆 @pelly
Thank you Karen 😊 it’s got some lovely markings on it. It’s produced an offset bulb over the years I’ve had it too, but too small for flowers on that one at the moment. @KOutdoors
That’s a stunner Richard. Well done! (I’ve given up on keeping them as have become too familiar with red rot 😢)
Wow!! It’s beautiful!! Good job Richard! 😃