04/08/19 - little bit of cataloguing for some plants I’ve never posted pics of. This is apparently a hardy Impatien, although only had it since April. Bought it at my friends local plant sale with my garden club, but been struggling to give it the right conditions. Seems to be picking up a little, foliage should be darker, so I’ve put it more in deeper shade. Looks like new shoots coming through which look healthy. It prefers moist shady conditions, just hope I can get the colour to darken a bit
04/08/19 - little bit of cataloguing for some plants I’ve never posted pics of. This is apparently a hardy Impatien, although only had it since April. Bought it at my friends local plant sale with my garden club, but been struggling to give it the right conditions. Seems to be picking up a little, foliage should be darker, so I’ve put it more in deeper shade. Looks like new shoots coming through which look healthy. It prefers moist shady conditions, just hope I can get the colour to darken a bit
#impatiens #impatiensomeiana #hardyimpatiens #impatiens-omeiana
Once again this is a new one on me. How interesting 👌😍
Thanks Sue, fingers crossed I can get the conditions right with a few adjustments 🤞🏼 @suerichards