Iris foetidissima var. citrina
Stinking Iris, Yellow form
Late Spring 2019
- 12
Early Winter 2019
- 14
Late Spring 2018
- 13
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Mid Winter 2018
- 11
Early Summer 2017
- 8
Early Autumn 2015
- 11
Mid Spring 2015
- 1

Iris foetidissima var. citrina
Late Spring 2019
Early Winter 2019

Considering this was a birdie freebie I love this plant now. The berries that appear as the seed pods burst open look awesome this time of year. It’s not your typical iris - it won’t have showy big flowers, they are generally quite a lot smaller and can go unnoticed. The usual colour has a purple ness to it, but I have the naturally occurring yellow form here I think. I’ll be splitting this in spring as it’s got to a nice respectable clump since three years ago when I originally moved it 👍🏼

#iris #iris-foetidissima #irisfoetidissimayellowform #berries #stinkingiris

It will also give me a chance to remove the bramble which is growing through the clump too, I’m always catching it as I walk past it 😣

Poor Iris, not very complimentary! 😂😂

😂😂 @anges - some people reckon it smells of roast beef but I can’t say it does. It does have a bit of a pong when you tear or break the foliage 👃🏼

Although this probably came from seed that birds had digested, I’ve never tried sowing these myself. If anyone local in U.K. or Ireland is interested in some of this seed let me know and I’ll try saving you some. Not sure I’d get it further afield unfortunately through customs as they are quite large seeds (like peas or sweet corn size) 🤔

Very nice colour for seeds ☺

We've got loads of this at one of my jobs. Be careful of it taking over Rich 😉

Oh really? I hadn’t noticed it growing too fast before but then it may not be in the best of optimum conditions in my garden. Ok, will bare that in mind for future, and useful tip for others too - thanks Julie 👍🏼 😁 @vec

Stinking lovely...

The seeds pop open and spread over time plus the birds love the berries and what goes in, come back out Rich 😉

😂 The name is great!
Late Spring 2018

Morning, Iris foetidissima coming into flower in the garden. I think this is the wild yellow variant (var. citrina) #iris-foetidissima #stinkingiris #irisfoetidissimayellowform

Morning Rich, lovely, nice to see you , so to speak ☺️

How lovely Richard, most unusual

Morning Julie 😊👋🏼 - non working day today so have a little bit of time to spare @juliesgarden

Thanks Joan, it’s a nice bonus as I found it at the back of the garden about 18 months ago under loads of bramble, had never seen it before so moved it and it loves where it is now, this is its second year I’ve seen it flower and I’ve been in this house 10 years 😳 @joanboston

Morning Richard, amazing what pops up🤙🏻

Indeed Kathy - lucky find I think as it may have withered away permanently if it had been there any longer @kathy

Good morning Richard really lovely delicate colour.well rescued 🤗

Morning Richard, I'm not a huge fan of Irises but this one is beautiful 💛💛

Morning Enid 👋🏼 - it’s got good berries in the winter time too, and don’t be put off by the name, I’ve never noticed the smell until you break a leave, and it’s not at all that bad @godfreye

Aw, thanks Jane! Sub-consciously I seem to have acquired many types now, my reticulata obsession has expanded to bearded, Dutch, Siberica and now this 😄 @pelly

At this rate you will have a National Collection soon Rich 😂😂
Early Spring 2018

That would make a fab canvas ❤️❤️❤️

What a fabulous shot Rich 👌👌

Fantastic photo Rich @richard.spicer.7906 love the detail and colours👏😃

Love this pic!

Great up close shot Richard. 📷👏❤️

I think the recent snow has scorched these Iris seeds, but I love the effect - Iris foetidissima produces seed pods filled with red/orange seeds in autumn, great to leave them over the winter for colour interest. These are from the yellow wild form #iris #iris-foetidissima #irisfoetidissimayellowform #stinkingiris #berries
Mid Winter 2018

From Sunday, a welcome sight in the garden amongst the snowy weather - #berries from my Iris foetidissama, otherwise known as the Stinking Iris - seems the yellow form has the same berry colour almost as the normal form, maybe a slightly more orangey perhaps but it’s very close #Iris #irisfoetidissima #stinkingiris #irisfoetidissimayellowform #iris-foetidissima

Fabulous photo Rich 😍 #tuesdaytreats

I bet that looks fabulous Rich 😍😍

Morning Rich great pic 😊👍

Thanks Jacqueline 😊 , I forgot about that hashtag! 🙄 @awomanonabike

It’s lovely Jane - there’s a bigger clump than this too but it was all tangled up with the weeds 🤭 @pelly

Afternoon Jane, thanks muchly 😊 @daisy-jane

What a shame 👎👎

Super! #wintercolour

Stinking lovely....

I think this particular species is famous for its coloured berries, not sure about other iris species but you can always try and see what happens in? Probably don’t need to do it on bearded or Dutch Iris as not sure they are anything as pretty as these seed pods @columbiariver
Early Summer 2017

I think my Stinking Iris turned out to be the yellow variant form - which is a nice surprise 👌🏼😀 #iris #iris-foetidissima #irisfoetidissimayellowform #stinkingiris

Lovely shade

Does it stink?

#stinkingiris #iris #irisfoetidissima

I am with Judy...does it stink? If so, like what? @ripjuju 👃

I've only noticed the smell when you break the foliage.... it's not that bad really and I never notice it - but it is only a small clump at the moment @ripjuju @lovestogarden

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

Had never seen this iris before :)
Early Autumn 2015

Does anyone know what this is? It doesn't have rhizomes, tubers or come from a bulb, and the roots come straight out of the base. The leaves are strap like, but they are all in line (like a bearded Iris). I thought it could be an Iris, but the lack of rhizome has confused me! 😳 never had flowers (yet) #iris #iris-foetidissima #irisfoetidissimayellowform #stinkingiris

Do the leaves have an unpleasant smell when broken. If so probably Iris foetidissima.

Looks like my pond irises 😕Richard @richard.spicer.7906

@tiggrx @juliesgarden there is a bit of a whiff about it when I snap one of the leaves in half. Found a much bigger one under the brambles at the back - so I've dug that one up too and put them together in a shady spot.

Twos company 😄 have you not been in your house long to keep finding these plants?

8 years @kathy 😂😂 but there are quite a few parts in the bottom half which I can't reach because of the combination of old shrubs and thick brambles. I get so far, and then have a break for a couple of months, and then it's all grown back! It's difficult to find time cause of work but been at it again now every wkd for the last 2 months and seems to be paying off. I've found a pampas grass too today and I think some Iris bulbs! 😀

Best of luck with that enormous task in front of you 😃

Thanks Val! 😁👍🏼 @elflin

It's not easy as we know when we moved here the gorse was over 6ft high it took years then we got 150 chickens 2 pigs and a goat!!! They did a good job of controlling some of it then we got someone in to level about 1 acre and tons of top soil as it is the site of an old copper mine talk about blood sweat and tears

That sounds like an incredible amount of work you've put in there Kathy, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I like the idea of getting in animals to help, although I don't think I could fit 150 chickens in my garden 😂🐔. As a whole, my garden looks terrible at the moment which is why I tend to post plant specific pictures. Although if I can carry on for another month I think it will be ready for winter. I'm also shredding and composting everything I cut down 😁

Mid Spring 2015

I honestly have no idea with this one. Anyone have any ideas? #iris #iris-foetidissima #irisfoetidissimayellowform #stinkingiris
11/06/19 - time for these to bloom, you have to look carefully as they don’t sit above the foliage very well and you can miss them otherwise. It doesn’t seem that long ago that it was covered in all the orange-red berries from last years flowers. I do prefer the yellow form over the main type species which is slightly more purple in it. And not really smelly at all 😉 #iris #iris-foetidissima #stinkingiris #irisfoetidissimayellowform
That is really cool that you can grow that and it looks so fabulous. No luck with foetidissima here
Thank you Janet 😊 @janetandjim - that’s a shame you’ve had no luck with it. It loves my dry shade. It was originally growing under an old cherry tree but I moved it and now it sits under a laburnum tree
She’s beautiful 🤩 @richard.spicer.7906
Do you have alkaline soil? @richard.spicer.7906
A beauty Richard, glad to hear she doesn’t live up to her name - do the berries?
Thanks Alysha 😊 - I always forget it flowers now and only saw it by chance when I walked past it! @alysha
Hi Janet, not sure exactly as never formally tested it but I’ve always assumed it was slightly acidic. There is a large rhododendron growing happily nearby. Does this iris have a particular preference then? @janetandjim
Thanks Val 😊 I hadn’t noticed it either on the berries, only when the foliage gets torn or cut I can smell it slightly then but I do have to hold it up to my nose @valjones-hughes
Thanks Katy 😊 @gjones
@richard.spicer.7906 yes, it has a definite preference-to stay in your yard right where it is. 😀. Everything in your garden is lovely.
They are so pretty 🤩