Iris x germanica 'Saint Crispin'
Bearded Iris 'Saint Crispin' (Tall)
Mid Spring 2017
- 4
Mid Spring 2017
- 2
Early Autumn 2015
- 10
Early Autumn 2015
- 2
Early Autumn 2015
- 1
Early Autumn 2015
- 1

Iris x germanica 'Saint Crispin'
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017

The first bearded Iris of the season for me - Iris 'St Crispin' , lemon yellow in colour and quite long falls! 💛 - almost like yellow tongues 😀👅 #iris #beardediris #iris-germanica #irisgermanicastcrispin

Early Autumn 2015

Finally, water in well and label so you don't forget what you planted! As you can see, i accidentally left a root exposed before taking this photo but it's now safely tucked below the soil surface! When planting, give them a sunny position (full sun) and room to expand a little. Bearded Iris can be divided roughly every three years or so in order to keep their vigour. 😀

Thanks @richard.spicer.7906 very handy to know.

Thanks Richard I planted bulbs early spring the leaves have grown very strong but didn't get any flowers do you think I will next year ? @Richard.spicer.7906

Hmm, strange that they didn't flower. With the bulbous Iris, I have found them vary year to year. I have two that I inherited when I bought my house, and neither flowered until one for the first time in seven years! I put it down to giving them full sun (they were covered in other plants and mostly in the shade) - where do you have yours growing Val? @elflin

In full sun until some dahlia I thought I'd dug up decided to grow in front of them ! Maybe that was why ?

Possibly. I would leave them where they are for next year and keep the space around them fairly clear and see what happens. Maybe they have been getting ready for a bumper year next year! 😀👍🏼 @elflin

Thanks you I will and hopefully post lots of pics next year 😂😍


Here you go Gerry - this photo is from four years ago, but you can see what I mean. Cut the foliage back to like an upsidedown V - if you don’t cut the foliage back it will cause it to rock in the wind and it won’t root properly. Trim up the roots but leave about 5cm of roots. Then plant so the rhizome sits just on the surface exposed to the sun 👍🏼 @gerryparsnips

Thanks Richard!👍👍
Early Autumn 2015

In a well dug over bed, position the rhizome on the soil surface and make two small trenches either side. Firm it on to the soil surface and then tuck the roots either side into the trenches. Cover the roots with soil, and firm using your fingers - but be sure to keep the rhizome level with that of the soil and that the top of the rhizome is exposed. Bearded Iris like to bake in the sun and planting this shallow will ensure it can grow and flower.

Great advice 👍🏻
Early Autumn 2015

First, I trimmed off the leaves to form a triangular shape. As Bearded Iris are planted quite shallow in the soil, this helps prevent the plant becoming loose in its position after planting as the leaves can catch the wind. I also gave the roots a light trim with the secateurs to tidy them up a bit.
Early Autumn 2015

Despite the rain, I did manage to get outside a little. Planted some Bearded Iris and thought I'd share how I did it. Feel free to let me know if you have any other tips on how to plant or grow these. This one is called 'Saint Crispin' - golden yellow flowers. 😁
💛 close up of the beard #iris #beardediris #iris-germanica #irisgermanicastcrispin
Lovely colour 💛💛