Justicia floribunda syn. Justicia rizzinii, Jacobinia pauciflora
Brazilian Fuchsia
Early Winter 2020
- 8
Early Winter 2018
- 11
Early Winter 2018
- 10
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 5

Justicia floribunda syn. Justicia rizzinii, Jacobinia pauciflora
Early Winter 2020
Early Winter 2018

It’s that time of year soon where my Brazilian Fuchsia will start flowering. Already a couple of flowers coming through, but hoping it will be covered within the next month or so. It’s a thirsty plant, I had an accident with it earlier in the year where it got to dry and dropped all it’s leaves, but I pruned it right back to just 4-5 inches and popped it outside in a part shade spot over summer and now feeding it once a month. Very pleased with its progress 👍🏼

It’s brought indoors over winter, and flowers only in the winter. I think I’ve been over cautious in the past with the watering regime as wasn’t too familiar with it but this year I’ve increased the watering pattern for winter. It’s in a peat based compost too, with grit for added drainage. And I feed it with an ericaceous feed once a month (just a quarter of a teaspoon in a litre of water) #justicia #justicia-rizzinii #brazilianfuchsia #jacobinia #jacobinia-pauciflora

Hi Richard I had one once but lost it, I wish I had had your advice back then. It looks beautiful 😍


These have beautiful flowers ❤️💛 can’t wait to see photos once it starts to bloom 😍

That is a brilliant recovery 🤙🏻

Morning Sue 👋🏼 ah that’s a shame. It certainly took a bit of extensive reading to find any growing info about it as very little in books etc. Even then what I found was a bit patchy so it’s been trial and error the last couple of years. I’m gonna try some cuttings soon, so if it takes then I’ll see if I can get a new one to you 😊. Hardly see this in the GC and I think I recall getting it at a flower show 🤔 @suerichards

They are wonderful Kerry, just hoping the buds fill the plant a bit more than last year (which was a bit sparse) so keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏼 @kez001uk

😊 @ublaszko

I really thought it was a gonna Kathy 😱 - i had watered it thoroughly a week before I noticed the problem, and I walked into the room where it was sitting and the plant was crisp and bone dry within just a couple of days. It really knows how to drink! Looks and feels like a Buxus box plant actually, the stems go woody after they ripen and becomes a more compact plant when you prune it, but it flowers only on previous seasons growth so I won’t prune this again till the spring 👍🏼 @kathy

#justiciafloribunda #justicia-floribunda
Early Winter 2018

Close up of the flowers on my Brazilian Fuchsia, really love the colours ❤️💛 #brazilianfuchsia #justicia #justicia-rizzinii #jacobinia #jacobinia-pauciflora #justiciafloribunda #justicia-floribunda

Isn’t that just gorgeous 🧡💛

How lovely! Love the look of those flowers!

Lovely. Are these more tender then the average tender fuchsia 😊

Amazingly Beautiful Blooms. Similar to Brugmansia 😊

Evening Angie, yeah they are more tender - I’ve had it outside all summer in a pot, and then brought it indoors when outdoor temperatures started dipping below 10 degrees C at night (think around November time roughly) - it’s quite thirsty indoors. Will pop it back outside in the spring I think 👍🏼 @angiecrazycatlady

Would it survive in a unheated greenhouse I wonder as I can't fit any more plants indoors as my succulents are already taking over the house😁

Maybe 🤔 but not sure if it would then flower - it’s winter flowering you see, so I reckon it needs the heat for the flowers. But I’ll take a cutting from it this year and do a little experiment and see what happens 😀👍🏼 if I get a couple to root I’ll let you know @angiecrazycatlady

Oh right I thought it was just confused and still flowering like my pelargoniums 😊

Such a pretty flower 👍
Early Winter 2018

Meanwhile, my Brazilian Fuchsia has also started flowering, and it’s put on quite a growth spur over the last couple of months 👍🏼 #brazilianfuchsia #justicia-rizzinii #justicia #jacobinia #jacobinia-pauciflora #justiciafloribunda #justicia-floribunda
Mid Summer 2017

Doing some garden chores today between the rain ☔️- I've been meaning to pot this on for a while. It's new to me (previously known as Jacobinia pauciflora), I bought it at a plant fair at Easter. It's not frost hardy so it will come into the house over Winter, and it's fine in the garden for now. Hoping for some hot Brazilian colours over winter, which is its usual flowering season #justicia #justicia-rizzinii #brazilianfuchsia #jacobinia #jacobinia-pauciflora

I've just had a look and its beautiful Rich, it will give a nice touch of colour in the winter 😍😍😍

The flowers are gorgeous

Hope so @pelly - it looks very promising.

#justiciafloribunda #justicia-floribunda
Well, looks like I missed these buds. Gave it a drink yesterday as it was looking a bit limp and found this flower almost ready and lots of small buds forming 😄 I didn’t think it would be ready yet as it’s the first year I’ve kept it outside (but in tunnel) #justicia #justicia-rizzinii #brazilianfuchsia #jacobinia #jacobinia-pauciflora #justiciafloribunda #justicia-floribunda
Look what I found Kerry 👀 @kez001uk
Saw this at a garden centre yesterday! Lots of flowers on them
@richard.spicer.7906 looking good 😍 and loads of buds too 😁 I swear they appear overnight 😂
I’ve never seen them in the garden centre here, although I’ve heard they are around. I can’t remember where I got mine from now, but now hoping for good display. @joanboston
I might have missed them if I hadn’t checked after seeing your post 😊👍🏼 @kez001uk
@richard.spicer.7906 another great benefit of this app, gives you a nudge when you didn’t know you needed one 😉🤣
The ones I saw in the gc were six foot high and £70