Laburnum anagyroides
Common Laburnum
Mid Spring 2017
- 11
Mid Spring 2016
- 20
Mid Spring 2016
- 25
Mid Spring 2016
- 8
Early Spring 2016
- 4
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 1
Mid Spring 2015
- 1
Early Spring 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 0

Laburnum anagyroides
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2016

Close up of the flowers - I think this year I'm going to try and attempt to deadhead and cut of the seed pods - whilst I love the effect of the pods dangling down later in the autumn and winter, unfortunately I'm forever weeding out seedlings in my flowerbeds! Also, the seeds are poisonous if eaten 😳

Pretty 👌🏻

Stunning Richard :)

Looks very orchid like flowers 😍

Sunshine on a stem 😊


Looks lovely🤗

Oo lovely!! ☀️🤗

#GoldenRain #yellow #poisonous #laburnum

Very nice.

It wonderful and stunning 😍😍😍

The plant will only be more vigorous for it. It's win win for you and it as you'll have an even prettier display next spring and won't have to pull up as many plants.
Mid Spring 2016

Morning everyone 👋🏼 - yesterday's garden picture sparked some conversations about my lovely Laburnum trees, so I thought today I'd post a better closeup. I managed to catch it after work last night before it got too dark 😁

Looks smashing 👍💛

What a good shot to, love the colours


@richard.spicer.7906 Good morning Richard looks gorgeous :)


Beautiful 😍

Nice pic, you've jogged a memory from when I was a kid 😘 really old laburnum in a garden I grew up in. Had a next door neighbour kid tryed to climb it, the tree bent and .. Boinged ( if that's a word) him Tarzan style threw the air 😂😂😂😂

Morning Richard 😍

Lovely photo

Absolutely beautiful 🤗

@richard.spicer.7906 pretty :)
Mid Spring 2016

Laburnum #bud

#yellow #laburnum

Ooh, you just reminded me to get a Laburnum this year! 😄

😀 lovely! I would thoroughly recommend getting one. I get plenty of seedlings but not sure if they grow true or not. I have two trees actually but the second one is a very week now (it must be about 50years old) and it hasn't flowered or leafed well for a number of years. I've decided to grow climbers up the trunk to see if I can fill out the branches with more foliage and flowers to stop it looking so sparse! Honeysuckle and a trumpet vine. @Patiorose

Great idea Rich @richard.spicer.7906 ! I hardly have any shrubs or trees without at least one clematis growing up them. One of my apple trees is on its last legs so I'm using a clematis and a climbing rose to clothe it. 😄

Oh that sounds interesting, I hadn't even thought about trying it for some of my other shrubs, but come to think of it a do have some very big lilacs that I'm sure wouldn't mind a clematis or two scrambling through it! 😉👍🏼 @Patiorose

#Selfseed #clematis #tip

Yes! Lilacs are a great example of a shrub/tree that is pretty dull after flowering so great host for a #viticella clematis. In my first garden I grew Mme. Julia Correvon through my purple #Lilac. In my new garden I have a #White garden with a #white #Lilac, so I've planted #C. Miss Bateman beside it. But any of the small later flowering clems work well in large shrubs/small trees. I 😍 Love 😍 C. Flammula triternata rubromarginata. It has gorgeous flowers en masse and wonderful almond scent 😘
Early Spring 2016

Morning. Looks like the laburnums are waking up this week 😁



I love my laburnum but not sure how much longer I will have it. The trunk has a big hole in it 😢😢😢
Mid Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015

Mid Spring 2015

Early Spring 2015
Late Winter 2015
Late Winter 2015
The #laburnum tree is looking pretty fine right now 👌🏼
Lovely golden showers @richard.spicer.7906.
A yellow waterfall Rich, lovely x
Fabulous 💛💛💛
Ooh, I haven't seen a laburnum tree for years Richard, it's lovely 😍
Yes it is
Very pretty !!!😍😍
Stunning! Just love them! 👌🏼💛Have always wanted one of these but because of the kids and the dogs have never got one! It occurred to me the other day that I could plant one in the front garden! 🙈🙄 and really Ann?! There are loads round here! 🌼💛 @thomasrat3
Used to be a lovely one at the local school gates but I think the Headmistress was petitioning to have it cut down because they we're poisonous 🤔@rachelbrooks
Oh what a shame Ann, but that's why I have never planted one as well, worried about the dogs or the boys 😏 @thomasrat3